jambonz / jambonz-feature-server

Core telephony feature server for the jambones platform
MIT License
45 stars 38 forks source link

jambonz-feature-server CI

This application implements the core feature server of the jambones platform.

Note: If you are a developer looking to work on the code please read our how-to for that.


Configuration is provided via environment variables:

variable meaning required?
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID aws access key id, used for TTS/STT as well SNS notifications no
AWS_REGION aws region no
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY aws secret access key, used per above no
AWS_SNS_TOPIC_ARM aws sns topic arn that scale-in lifecycle notifications will be published to no
DRACHTIO_HOST ip address of drachtio server (typically '') yes
DRACHTIO_PORT listening port of drachtio server for control connections (typically 9022) yes
DRACHTIO_SECRET shared secret yes
ENABLE_METRICS if 1, metrics will be generated no
ENCRYPTION_SECRET secret for credential encryption(JWT_SECRET is deprecated) yes
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS path to gcp service key file yes
HTTP_PORT tcp port to listen on for API requests from jambonz-api-server yes
HTTP_IP IP Address for API requests from jambonz-api-server no
JAMBONES_GATHER_EARLY_HINTS_MATCH if true and hints are provided, gather will opportunistically review interim transcripts if possible to reduce ASR latency no
JAMBONES_FREESWITCH IP:port:secret for Freeswitch server (e.g. '$' yes
JAMBONES_LOGLEVEL log level for application, 'info' or 'debug' no
JAMBONES_MYSQL_HOST mysql host yes
JAMBONES_MYSQL_USER mysql username yes
JAMBONES_MYSQL_PASSWORD mysql password yes
JAMBONES_MYSQL_CONNECTION_LIMIT mysql connection limit no
JAMBONES_NETWORK_CIDR CIDR of private network that feature server is running in (e.g. '') yes
JAMBONES_REDIS_HOST redis host yes
JAMBONES_REDIS_PORT redis port yes
JAMBONES_SBCS list of IP addresses (on the internal network) of SBCs, comma-separated yes
STATS_HOST ip address of metrics host (usually '' since telegraf is installed locally no
STATS_PORT listening port for metrics host no
STATS_PROTOCOL 'tcp' or 'udp' no
STATS_TELEGRAF if 1, metrics will be generated in telegraf format no
JAMBONZ_RECORD_WS_BASE_URL recording websocket URL to send the recording audio no
JAMBONZ_RECORD_WS_USERNAME recording websocket username no
JAMBONZ_RECORD_WS_PASSWORD recording websocket password no
ANCHOR_MEDIA_ALWAYS keep media on media server no
JAMBONZ_DISABLE_DIAL_PAI_HEADER control P-Asserted-Identity header on B-Leg no

running under pm2

Typically, this application runs under pm2 using an ecosystem.config.js file similar to this:

module.exports = {
  apps : [
    name: 'jambonz-feature-server',
    cwd: '/home/admin/apps/jambonz-feature-server',
    script: 'app.js',
    instance_var: 'INSTANCE_ID',
    out_file: '/home/admin/.pm2/logs/jambonz-feature-server.log',
    err_file: '/home/admin/.pm2/logs/jambonz-feature-server.log',
    exec_mode: 'fork',
    instances: 1,
    autorestart: true,
    watch: false,
    max_memory_restart: '1G',
    env: {
      NODE_ENV: 'production',
      GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS: '/home/admin/credentials/gcp.json',
      AWS_REGION: 'us-west-1',
      STATS_HOST: '',
      STATS_PORT: 8125,
      STATS_PROTOCOL: 'tcp',
      AWS_SNS_TOPIC_ARM: 'arn:aws:sns:us-west-1:xxxxxxxxxxx:terraform-20201107200347128600000002',
      JAMBONES_MYSQL_HOST: 'aurora-cluster-jambonz.cluster-yyyyyyyyyyy.us-west-1.rds.amazonaws.com',
      JAMBONES_MYSQL_USER: 'admin',
      JAMBONES_MYSQL_PASSWORD: 'foobarbz',
      JAMBONES_MYSQL_DATABASE: 'jambones',
      JAMBONES_REDIS_HOST: 'jambonz.zzzzzzz.0001.usw1.cache.amazonaws.com',
      JAMBONES_LOGLEVEL: 'debug',
      HTTP_PORT: 3000,
      DRACHTIO_HOST: '',
      DRACHTIO_PORT: 9022,
      DRACHTIO_SECRET: 'sharedsecret',
      JAMBONES_SBCS: '',

Running the test suite

Please see this.