jambonz / jambonz-webapp

A simple provisioning web app for jambonz
MIT License
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password for jambonz client missing after save #273

Closed davehorton closed 1 year ago

davehorton commented 1 year ago

I created a client, saved ok but when I come back in the password is missing


after saving I can see the GET does not return password image

I can see that the password is in the database....but it is unencrypted (yikes!). It must be stored encrypted.

MariaDB [jambones]> select * from clients;
| client_sid                           | account_sid                          | is_active | username | password     |
| c09bc961-545a-4343-8f06-0e65bee08f8b | 9351f46a-678c-43f5-b8a6-d4eb58d131af |         1 | daveh    | foobarbazzle |
1 row in set (0.001 sec)