jambonz / jambonz-webapp

A simple provisioning web app for jambonz
MIT License
5 stars 21 forks source link


A simple provisioning webapp for jambonz

OSS Developers

If you're here to contribute to the jambonz web app source code you can view our contributor readme.

Webapp deployment

Deploy to production

  1. Install pm2 globally on the server hosting this application.
  2. Copy .env to .env.local
  3. In .env.local, replace [ip]:[port] with the API's IP and port
  4. Run npm run deploy
  5. Access the web app via port 3001

NOTE: Here is what npm run deploy does:

Alternatively, you can serve the app manually (without pm2) with npm run serve.

Update production

If there is an update to this code base, you can update the code without re-deploying.

  1. run git pull origin main --rebase
  2. run npm i
  3. run npm run build

With docker

You can pull the public docker image for the web app:

docker pull ghcr.io/jambonz/webapp:latest

You can run the docker image for the webapp and expose the serve port to the host:

docker run --publish=3001:3001 ghcr.io/jambonz/webapp:latest

You can build and run the docker image from the source, for example:

docker build . --tag jambonz-webapp:local
docker run --publish=3001:3001 jambonz-webapp:local