jamesgleave / DD_protocol

Official repository for the Deep Docking protocol
MIT License
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deep-learning docking drug-discovery virtual-screening

The Deep Docking protocol

Deep docking (DD) is a deep learning-based tool developed to accelerate docking-based virtual screening. Using a docking program of choice, the method allows to virtually screem extensive chemical libraries 50 times faster than conventional docking without losing valuable drug candidates. For further details into the processes behind DD, please refer to our paper. This repository provides all the scripts required to run different stages of DD, and also slurm programs to automatically perform the protocol on a computing cluster using either Glide SP or FRED docking. The protocol can be trivially adapted to any other docking program.

If you use DD in your research, please cite:

Gentile, F. et al. Deep Docking: A Deep Learning Platform for Augmentation of Structure Based Drug Discovery. ACS Cent. Sci. 6, 939–949 (2020)
Gentile, F. et al. Artificial intelligence–enabled virtual screening of ultra-large chemical libraries with deep docking. Nat. Protoc. 17, 672–697 (2022)


The only installation step required for DD is to create a conda environment and install the following packages within it:

The majority of the DD steps can be run on regular CPU cores; for model training and inference however, the use of GPUs is recommended. To run the automated version (see below, B section), a computing cluster with slurm job scheduler is required.

Test data

A complete example of DD iteration for testing the protocol is available from https://doi.org/10.20383/102.0489. A DD-prepared version of the ZINC20 library (as available in March 2021) that can readily be screened with the protocol is available at https://files.docking.org/zinc20-ML/


For help with the options of a specific script, type

python script.py -h

A. Run Deep Docking manually

Here we present in details how to use each individual script constituting DD. If you have access to an HPC cluster, you may want to consider running the automated protocol using Slurm job scheduler (see Run automated Deep Docking on HPC clusters section below).

i. Preparing a database

In order to be prepared for DD virtual screening, the chemical library must be in SMILES format. DD requires Morgan fingerprints of radius 2 and size 1024 bits for each molecule, represented in a compressed form as a list of the indexes of bits that are set to 1. It is recommended to split the library of SMILES into a number of evenly populated files to facilitate other steps such as random sampling and inference, and place these files into a new folder. This reorganization can be achieved for example with the split bash command. For example, consider a smiles.smi file with a billion compounds, to obtain 1000 files of 1 million molecules each you can run:

split -d -l 1000000 smiles.smi smile_all_ --additional-suffix=.smi

Ideally the number of split files should be equal to the number of CPUs used for random sampling. After this step, stereoisomers, tautomers and protomers should be calculated for each molecule and stored in txt files (e.g. smiles_all_1.txt).

Once the SMILES have been prepared, activate the conda environment with rdkit and calculate Morgan fingerprints using the morgan_fp.py script (located in the utilities folder):

python morgan_fp.py --smile_folder_path path_smiles_library/smiles_library --folder_name path_morgan_library/morgan_library --tot_process num_cpus

which will create all the fingerprints and place them in path_morgan_library/morgan_library. The --tot_process argument controls how many files will be processed in parallel using multiprocessing.

ii. Phase 1. Random sampling of molecules

In phase 1 molecules are randomly sampled from the database to generate or augment the training set. During the first iteration, this phase also samples molecules for the validation and test sets.

Create a project folder. Run the following scripts (from scripts_1 folder) sequentially with the activated conda environment:

python molecular_file_count_updated.py --project_name project --n_iteration current_iteration --data_directory left_mol_directory --tot_process num_cpus --tot_sampling  molecules_to_dock
python sampling.py --project_name  project --file_path path_project --n_iteration current_iteration --data_director left_mol_directory --tot_process num_cpus --train_size train_size --val_size val_size
python sanity_check.py  --project_name project --file_path path_project --n_iteration current_iteration
python extracting_morgan.py --project_name project --file_path path_project --n_iteration current_iteration --morgan_directory path_morgan_library/morgan_library --tot_process num_cpus
python extracting_smiles.py --project_name project --file_path path_project --n_iteration current_iteration --smile_directory path_smiles_library/smiles_library --tot_process num_cpus

IMPORTANT: For molecular_file_count_updated.py AND sampling.py the option left_mol_directory must be the directory from where molecules are sampled; for iteration 1, left_mol_directory is the directory where the Morgan fingerprints of the library are stored; BUT for successive iterations this must be the path to morgan_1024_predictions folder of the previous iteration. This will ensure that sampling is done progressively on better scoring subsets of the database over the course of DD.

iii. Phase 2 and phase 3. Ligand preparation and docking

After phase 1 is completed, molecules grouped in the smiles folder can be prepared and docked to the target. Use your favourite tools for this step. It is important that docking results are saved as SDF files in a docked folder in the current iteration directory, keeping the same name convention of the files in the smile folder (the name of the originating set (training, validation, testing) must always be present in the name of the respective SDF file with docking results).

iv. Phase 4. Neural network training

In phase 4, deep neural network models are trained with the docking scores from the previous phase. Run the following scripts from scripts_2, after activating the environment:

python extract_labels.py --project_name project --file_path path_to_project --iteration_no current_iteration --tot_process num_cpus -score score_keyword
python simple_job_models_manual.py --iteration_no current_iteration --morgan_directory path_morgan_library/morgan_library --file_path path_project/project --number_of_hyp num_models_to_train --total_iterations number_total_iterations --is_last is_this_last_iteration (False/True)? --number_mol num_molecules_test_valid_set --percent_first_mols percent_first_molecules --percent_last_mols percent_last_mols --recall recall_value 

The bash scripts generated by simple_job_models.py in the iteration directory, simple_job foldder, should be then run on GPUs to train DD models. The resulting models will be saved in the all_models folder in the current iteration.

v. Phase 5. Selection of best model and prediction of virtual hits

In phase 5 the models are evalauted with a grid search, and the model with the highest precision is selected for predicting scores of all the molecules in the database. This step will create a morgan_1024_predictions folder in the iteration directory, which will contain all the molecules that are predicted as virtual hits. To run phase 5, use the following scripts from scripts_2 with the conda environment activated:

python hyperparameter_result_evaluation.py --n_iteration current_iteration --data_path path_project/project --morgan_directory path_morgan_library/morgan_library --number_mol num_molecules --recall recall_value
python simple_job_predictions_manual.py --project_name project --file_path path_project --n_iteration current_iteration --morgan_directory path_morgan_library/morgan_library

vi. Final docking phase

After the last iteration of DD is complete, SMILES of all or a ranked subset of the predicted virtual hits can be obtained for the final docking. Ranking is based on the probabilities of being virtual hits. With the environment activated, use the following script (available in utilities):

python final_extraction.py -smile_dir path_smiles_library/smiles_library -prediction_dir path_last_iteration/morgan_1024_predictions -processors n_cpus -mols_to_dock num_molecules_to_dock

This will return a list of SMILES of all the predicted virtual hits of the last iteration or the top num_molecules_to_dock molecules ranked by their virtual hit likeness. If mols_to_dock is not specified, all the prospective hits will be extracted. Virtual hit likeness will also be returned in a separated file. These molecules can be then docked into the target of interest.

B. Run automated Deep Docking on HPC clusters

As part of this repository, we provide a series of scripts to run the process on a Slurm cluster using the preparation and docking tools that we regularly employ in virtual screening campaigns. The workflow can be trivially adapted to any other set of tools by modifying the scripts of phase 2, 3 and 4. Additionally, the user will need to either modify the headers of the slurm scripts or pass the #SBATCH values from command line in order to satisfy the requirements of the cluster that is being used.

i. Automated library preparation

In our DD automated version, SMILES preparation is performed using OpenEye tools (flipper, https://docs.eyesopen.com/applications/omega/flipper.html and tautomers, https://docs.eyesopen.com/applications/quacpac/tautomers/tautomers.html, both require license). Use the compute_states.sh script provided in utilities to submit a preparation job for each original SMILES file:

for i in $(ls smiles/smile_all_*.smi); do sbatch compute_states.sh $i library_prepared; done

The SMILES will be prepared and saved into the library_prepared folder. Note that this program will enumerate all the unspecified chiral centers of the molecules and assign unique names to each isomer, and then calculate the dominant tautomer at pH 7.4. The next step is the calculation of Morgan fingerprints; run:

sbatch --cpus-per-task n_cpus_per_node compute_morgan_fp.sh library_prepared library_prepared_fp n_cpus_per_node conda_environment

to calculate the Morgan fingerprints and save them in library_prepared_fp.

ii. Project file preparation

Create a logs.txt file with parameters that will be read by the slurm scripts, and save it in the project folder. An example file is provided in utilities (remove the comments delimited by #).

iii. Automated phase 1


sbatch --cpus-per-task n_cpus_per_node phase_1.sh current_iteration n_cpus_per_node path_project project training_sample_size conda_env

iv. Automated phase 2

The provided automated version of DD works with Glide docking or FRED docking; the choice of the program (listed in logs.txt) influences both how the SMILES are translated to 3D structures and how they are successively docked. For creating conformations for Glide docking, run:

sbatch phase_2_glide.sh current_iteration n_cpus_per_node path_project project name_cpu_partition

OR for creating conformations for FRED docking, run:

sbatch phase_2_fred.sh current_iteration n_cpus_per_node path_project project name_cpu_partition

v. Automated phase 3

For Glide docking, run:

sbatch phase_3_glide.sh current_iteration n_cpus_total path_project project

For FRED docking, run:

sbatch phase_3_fred.sh current_iteration n_cpus_per_node path_project project name_cpu_partition

iv. Automated phase 4


sbatch phase_4.sh current_iteration 3 path_project project name_gpu_partition tot_number_iterations percent_first_mols percent_last_mols_value recall_value 00-15:00 conda_env

00-15:00 is the maximal training time (days-hours:mins) after which Slurm will cancel the job. Usually each model does not require more than 12 hours to complete the training.

v. Automated phase 5


sbatch phase_5.sh current_iteration path_project project recall_value name_gpu_partition conda_env

vi. Automated final phase


sbatch --cpus-per-task n_cpus_per_node final_extraction.sh path_smiles_library/smiles_library path_last_iteration/morgan_1024_predictions n_cpus_per_node 'all_mol' conda_env

all_mol will extract all the prospective virtual hits. If less molecules need to be selected for docking (for example, if the final number of predicted hits is too high to be docked with the available resources), change the argument accordingly to extract a smaller subset of molecules ranked by their virtual hit likeness. The resulting SMILES can then be prepared and docked into the target.