jamesmf / mnistCRNN

Simple TimeDistributed() wrapper Demo in Keras; sums images of MNIST digits
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This is a example of how to use TimeDistributed() to wrap either a single layer (e.g. Conv2D) or an entire model (e.g. MobileNet).


This code is built on keras, using tensorflow by default.


The addMNIST_X.py scripts download the MNIST dataset, the MobileNet model weight and creates training tensors with varying numbers of MNIST images in them. It then trains a CRNN on the sequences to predict the sum of the digits. In addMNIST_model.py, the TimeDistributed wrapper is around the entire MobileNet model. In addMNIST_rnn.py it is only around individual Conv2D layers.


The MobileNet version achieves an RMSE of 0.65 on the task of guessing the sum of 1 to 8 digits, with the baseline of guessing the distribution's mean having RMSE 11.90.


A simpler model can do just as well on this task, but the goal is to demonstrate what a model with TimeDistributed() wrappers looks like.

Because of the commutative nature of the task, a purely convolutional approach would be significantly faster given the fixed numToAdd size. Shared-parameters MobileNet or Conv2D stacks could process all the digits at once. But that's not the point of the demo!

#define our time-distributed setup
inp = Input(shape=(maxToAdd, size, size, 3))
base_model = keras.applications.MobileNet(input_shape=(size, size, 3),
x = TimeDistributed(base_model)(inp)
x = GRU(units=100, return_sequences=True)(x)
x = GRU(units=50, return_sequences=False)(x)
x = Dropout(.2)(x)
x = Dense(1)(x)
model = Model(inp, x)
rmsprop = RMSprop()
model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer=rmsprop)