jamesmontemagno / InAppBillingPlugin

Cross-platform In App Billing Plugin for .NET
MIT License
581 stars 145 forks source link

good haks #565

Closed sksumon4 closed 7 months ago

sksumon4 commented 7 months ago

If you are creating an issue for a BUG please fill out this information. If you are asking a question or requesting a feature you can delete the sections below.

Failure to fill out this information will result in this issue being closed. If you post a full stack trace in a bug it will be closed, please post it to http://gist.github.com and then post the link here.

Bug Information

Version Number of Plugin: Device Tested On: Simulator Tested On: Version of VS: Version of Xamarin: Versions of other things you are using:

Steps to reproduce the Behavior

Expected Behavior

Actual Behavior

Code snippet

