jamesstringerparsec / Easy-GPU-PV

A Project dedicated to making GPU Partitioning on Windows easier!
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Running Davinci Resolve on VM with iGPU (Registry Key Edit?) #341

Open FabiS797 opened 7 months ago

FabiS797 commented 7 months ago

I am currently trying to get Davinci Resolve running with my Intel iGPU (10th Gen). The passtrough did work - my Intel GPU is shown in the VM device manager. Sadly Resolve doesn´t recognize my iGPU.

I tried to solve it using this Issue which has a solution for Nividia GPUs: https://github.com/jamesstringerparsec/Easy-GPU-PV/issues/304

The solution is to copy a Registry Key (nvlddmkm.reg) from the Host to the VM and install it there. So i tried a similiar strategy for the keys igfxn.reg and igfxCUIS.reg but sadly it didn´t work and i am not even sure if those are the right registry keys for the Intel iGPU. I did setup my VM with 40% GPU usage if that is relevant and my GPU is not showing up in Taskmanager.

Hopefully someone knows something :)