jamesstringerparsec / Easy-GPU-PV

A Project dedicated to making GPU Partitioning on Windows easier!
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A work-in-progress project dedicated to making GPU Paravirtualization on Windows Hyper-V easier!

GPU-PV allows you to partition your systems dedicated or integrated GPU and assign it to several Hyper-V VMs. It's the same technology that is used in WSL2, and Windows Sandbox.

Easy-GPU-PV aims to make this easier by automating the steps required to get a GPU-PV VM up and running.
Easy-GPU-PV does the following...
1) Creates a VM of your choosing 2) Automatically Installs Windows to the VM 3) Partitions your GPU of choice and copies the required driver files to the VM
4) Installs Parsec to the VM, Parsec is an ultra low latency remote desktop app, use this to connect to the VM. You can use Parsec for free non commercially. To use Parsec commercially, sign up to a Parsec For Teams account



  1. Make sure your system meets the prerequisites.
  2. Download the Repo and extract.
  3. Search your system for Powershell ISE and run as Administrator.
  4. In the extracted folder you downloaded, open PreChecks.ps1 in Powershell ISE. Run the files from within the extracted folder. Do not move them.
  5. Open and Run PreChecks.ps1 in Powershell ISE using the green play button and copy the GPU Listed (or the warnings that you need to fix).
  6. Open CopyFilesToVM.ps1 Powershell ISE and edit the params section at the top of the file, you need to be careful about how much ram, storage and hard drive you give it as your system needs to have that available. On Windows 10 the GPUName must be left as "AUTO", In Windows 11 it can be either "AUTO" or the specific name of the GPU you want to partition exactly how it appears in PreChecks.ps1. Additionally, you need to provide the path to the Windows 10/11 ISO file you downloaded.
  7. Run CopyFilesToVM.ps1 with your changes to the params section - this may take 5-10 minutes.
  8. Open and sign into Parsec on the VM. You can use Parsec to connect to the VM up to 4K60FPS.
  9. You should be good to go!

Upgrading GPU Drivers when you update the host GPU Drivers

It's important to update the VM GPU Drivers after you have updated the Host GPUs drivers. You can do this by...

  1. Reboot the host after updating GPU Drivers.
  2. Open Powershell as administrator and change directory (CD) to the path that CopyFilesToVM.ps1 and Update-VMGpuPartitionDriver.ps1 are located.
  3. Run Update-VMGpuPartitionDriver.ps1 -VMName "Name of your VM" -GPUName "Name of your GPU" (Windows 10 GPU name must be "AUTO")


VMName = "GPUP" - Name of VM in Hyper-V and the computername / hostname
SourcePath = "C:\Users\james\Downloads\Win11_English_x64.iso" - path to Windows 10/ 11 ISO on your host
Edition = 6 - Leave as 6, this means Windows 10/11 Pro
VhdFormat = "VHDX" - Leave this value alone
DiskLayout = "UEFI" - Leave this value alone
SizeBytes = 40gb - Disk size, in this case 40GB, the minimum is 20GB
MemoryAmount = 8GB - Memory size, in this case 8GB
CPUCores = 4 - CPU Cores you want to give VM, in this case 4
NetworkSwitch = "Default Switch" - Leave this alone unless you're not using the default Hyper-V Switch
VHDPath = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Hyper-V\Virtual Hard Disks\" - Path to the folder you want the VM Disk to be stored in, it must already exist
UnattendPath = "$PSScriptRoot"+"\autounattend.xml" -Leave this value alone
GPUName = "AUTO" - AUTO selects the first available GPU. On Windows 11 you may also use the exact name of the GPU you want to share with the VM in multi GPU situations (GPU selection is not available in Windows 10 and must be set to AUTO)
GPUResourceAllocationPercentage = 50 - Percentage of the GPU you want to share with the VM
Team_ID = "" - The Parsec for Teams ID if you are a Parsec for Teams Subscriber
Key = "" - The Parsec for Teams Secret Key if you are a Parsec for Teams Subscriber
Username = "GPUVM" - The VM Windows Username, do not include special characters, and must be different from the "VMName" value you set
Password = "CoolestPassword!" - The VM Windows Password, cannot be blank
Autologon = "true"- If you want the VM to automatically login to the Windows Desktop

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