jamesstringerparsec / Easy-GPU-PV

A Project dedicated to making GPU Partitioning on Windows easier!
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No MSFT_Disk objects found with property 'Number' equal to '3' After Updating Drivers #393

Open LewisWildgoose opened 1 month ago

LewisWildgoose commented 1 month ago

Just recently updated my GPU drivers users Nvidia Geforce Experience, however, when trying to run the update drivers script to update the VM drivers, I get the following error:

PS D:\Downloads\GPU-Hyper-V\Easy-GPU-PV-main\Easy-GPU-PV-main> ./Update-VMGpuPartitionDriver.ps1 -VMName "GPUPV" -GPUName "AUTO"
Mounting Drive...
Get-Disk : No MSFT_Disk objects found with property 'Number' equal to '3'.  Verify the value of the property and retry.
At D:\Downloads\GPU-Hyper-V\Easy-GPU-PV-main\Easy-GPU-PV-main\Update-VMGpuPartitionDriver.ps1:39 char:55
+ ... DriveLetter = (Mount-VHD -Path $VHD.Path -PassThru | Get-Disk | Get-P ...
+                                                          ~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (3:UInt32) [Get-Disk], CimJobException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CmdletizationQuery_NotFound_Number,Get-Disk

Copying GPU Files - this could take a while...
INFO   : Finding and copying driver files for NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 to VM. This could take a while...

Then a load of errors form because it couldn't mount the drive. If I try rerun the command it complains about the process being in use. My formatting of the command should match:

$params = @{
    VMName = "GPUPV"
    SourcePath = "D:\Downloads\GPU-Hyper-V\Win10_22H2_EnglishInternational_x64v1.iso"
    Edition    = 6
    VhdFormat  = "VHDX"
    DiskLayout = "UEFI"
    SizeBytes  = 40GB
    MemoryAmount = 16GB
    CPUCores = 4
    NetworkSwitch = "Default Switch"
    VHDPath = "D:\VMs\HyperV"
    UnattendPath = "$PSScriptRoot"+"\autounattend.xml"
    GPUName = "AUTO"
    GPUResourceAllocationPercentage = 50
    Team_ID = ""
    Key = ""
    Username = "GPUVM"
    Autologon = "true"

If I list both Get-Disk and Get-PhysicalDisk:

PS D:\Downloads\GPU-Hyper-V\Easy-GPU-PV-main\Easy-GPU-PV-main> get-disk

Number Friendly Name            Serial Number                    HealthStatus         OperationalStatus      Total Size Partition
------ -------------            -------------                    ------------         -----------------      ---------- ----------
0      ADATA SU630              2L082L2852NY                     Healthy              Online                  447.13 GB GPT
2      CT1000P5PSSD8            0000_0000_0000_0001_00A0_7523... Healthy              Online                  931.51 GB GPT
1      WDC WD100EZAZ-11TDBA0    4DH04A1Z                         Healthy              Online                     9.1 TB GPT

PS D:\Downloads\GPU-Hyper-V\Easy-GPU-PV-main\Easy-GPU-PV-main> get-physicaldisk

Number FriendlyName          SerialNumber                             MediaType CanPool OperationalStatus HealthStatus Usage
------ ------------          ------------                             --------- ------- ----------------- ------------ -----
2      CT1000P5PSSD8         0000_0000_0000_0001_00A0_7523_42AE_8A56. SSD       False   OK                Healthy      Auto-Select
1      WDC WD100EZAZ-11TDBA0 4DH04A1Z                                 HDD       False   OK                Healthy      Auto-Select
0      ADATA SU630           2L082L2852NY                             SSD       False   OK                Healthy      Auto-Select

PS D:\Downloads\GPU-Hyper-V\Easy-GPU-PV-main\Easy-GPU-PV-main> ./Update-VMGpuPartitionDriver.ps1 -VMName "GPUPV" -GPUName "AUTO"
Mounting Drive...
Get-Disk : No MSFT_Disk objects found with property 'Number' equal to '3'.  Verify the value of the property and retry.
At D:\Downloads\GPU-Hyper-V\Easy-GPU-PV-main\Easy-GPU-PV-main\Update-VMGpuPartitionDriver.ps1:39 char:55
+ ... DriveLetter = (Mount-VHD -Path $VHD.Path -PassThru | Get-Disk | Get-P ...
+                                                          ~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (3:UInt32) [Get-Disk], CimJobException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CmdletizationQuery_NotFound_Number,Get-Disk

Copying GPU Files - this could take a while...
INFO   : Finding and copying driver files for NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 to VM. This could take a while...
PS D:\Downloads\GPU-Hyper-V\Easy-GPU-PV-main\Easy-GPU-PV-main> get-physicaldisk

Number FriendlyName          SerialNumber                             MediaType CanPool OperationalStatus HealthStatus Usage
------ ------------          ------------                             --------- ------- ----------------- ------------ -----
2      CT1000P5PSSD8         0000_0000_0000_0001_00A0_7523_42AE_8A56. SSD       False   OK                Healthy      Auto-Select
1      WDC WD100EZAZ-11TDBA0 4DH04A1Z                                 HDD       False   OK                Healthy      Auto-Select
3      Msft Virtual Disk                                              HDD       False   OK                Healthy      Auto-Select
0      ADATA SU630           2L082L2852NY                             SSD       False   OK                Healthy      Auto-Select

PS D:\Downloads\GPU-Hyper-V\Easy-GPU-PV-main\Easy-GPU-PV-main>

Additionally, my VM only has the one HDD attached: https://i.imgur.com/PEqSibD.png

Any ideas? This is driving me up the wall.