jamielob / reloader

More control over hot code push reloading for your production apps. Designed to replace mdg:reload-on-resume and provide a more production-ready approach.
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More control over hot code push reloading for your mobile apps. A replacement for mdg:reload-on-resume with more options and better UX.

As of Meteor 1.3, if you prevent instant reloading on updates, the newest version of the code will be used on your app's next cold start - no reload necessary. This can be achieved with Reloader.configure({check: false, refresh: 'start'}). However, you can also:



meteor add jamielob:reloader
meteor remove mdg:reload-on-resume

If you have any calls to location.reload() or location.replace(location.href) in your app, replace them with Reloader.reload().


The default options are shown below. You can override them anywhere in your client/ folder.

  check: 'everyStart', // Check for new code every time the app starts
  checkTimer: 3000,  // Wait 3 seconds to see if new code is available
  refresh: 'startAndResume', // Refresh to already downloaded code on both start and resume
  idleCutoff: 1000 * 60 * 10  // Wait 10 minutes before treating a resume as a start

These default options will make sure that your app is up to date every time a user starts your app, or comes back to it after 10 minutes of being idle.

Another popular configuration is:

  check: 'firstStart', // Only make an additonal check the first time the app ever starts
  checkTimer: 5000,  // Wait 5 seconds to see if new code is available on first start
  refresh: 'start' // Only refresh to already downloaded code on a start and not a resume

This will make sure the first time your app is run it is up to date, will download new versions of code while the app is being used, and then only update when the app is next started.

You can have a different configuration for development, for instance:

if (Meteor.isDevelopment) {
    check: false, // don't check on startup
    refresh: 'instantly' // refresh as soon as updates are available
} else {
    // production configuration


When to make additional checks for new code bundles. The app splash screen is shown during the check. Possible values are:


Default: 3000

How long to wait (in ms) when making additional checks for new file bundles. In future versions of Meteor we will have an API to instantly check if an update is available or not, but until then we need to simply wait to see if a new code bundle is downloaded. Depending on the size of your app bundle and the phone's connection speed, the default three seconds may not be enough - you can increase it if you find that you have new code immediately after starting the app.


When to refresh to the latest code bundle if one finished downloading after the end of the check period. The app splash screen is shown during the refresh. Possible values are:


Default: 1000 * 60 * 10 // 10 minutes

How long (in ms) can an app be idle before we consider it a start and not a resume. Applies only when check: 'everyStart'. Set to 0 to never check on resume.


Planned option for future version. Currently not configurable.

Default: 100

How long to wait (in ms) after reload before hiding the launch screen. The goal is to leave it up until your page has finished rendering, so the user does not see a blank white screen. The duration will vary based on your app's render time and the speed of the device. To be more precise, set launchScreenDelay to 0 and release the launch screen yourself when the page has rendered. For example, if the only two pages that might be displayed on reload are index and post, then you would do:

launchScreenHandle = Launchscreen.hold()

Template.index.onRendered(() => {

Template.post.onRendered(() => {

Or if you have a layout template, you could put a single .release() in that template's onRendered.


These helpers can help you to have an "Update Now" button.

A note about using these helpers

Some people have reported having their app rejected during the Apple review process for having an "Update Now" button or similar as opposed to using the refresh on resume behavior that this package provides by default. If you really want to have an update button when new code is available, make sure you don't push any new code to the server until after your app has been approved. But it's probably safer/better to simply not have an update button at all!

How to use them anyway


Reloader.updateAvailable is a reactive variable that returns true when an update has been downloaded.

Reloader.updateAvailable.get(); // Reactively returns true if an update is ready


This package provides a Blaze template helper that retrieves the value of the reactiveVar easily.

{{#if updateAvailable}}
    <p>Update available!</p>


Call Reloader.reload() to refresh the page.


This package also provides an easy reload event that you can attach to a button that will briefly show the splash screen and update to the latest version. Simply add the reloader-update attribute to a button.

{{#if updateAvailable}}
    <a class="button" reloader-update>Tap here to update!</a>


Run tests

git clone git@github.com:jamielob/reloader.git
cd reloader
# uncomment the noted line in package.js
meteor test-packages ./ --driver-package practicalmeteor:mocha
open localhost:3000



And thanks to @martijnwalraven for his help with this packages and superb work on Meteor Cordova! 👏