An Ardiuno sketch to connect an ESP8266 to WS28xx LED strips and control them using the Blynk mobile app. This small tutorial will help you build the controller which you can hook up to any number of LEDs you like. (max 2048 I think?)
Official Blynk Community forum thread:
Create a new folder in your library dir (arduino\libraries\wifi_credentials) called 'wifi_credentials' and create a new file called 'wifi_credentials.h' and copy the example below:
Wifi Credentials
#ifndef WIFI_CREDS_H
#define WIFI_CREDS_H
#define WIFI_SSID "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
#define WIFI_PASS "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Replace "xxxxxxx" with your own Wifi network credentials.
Download the project INO file and required libraies.
Download and install the Blynk Mobile App for iOS or Android.
Create a new project in the Blynk app and email yourself the auto generated auth token.
Paste the auth token in to the settings.h file
Define the number of LEDs you are using.
If you plan on using more than 1 controller, you can set a nickname for each
char nickname[] = "OFFICE1";
And select it's zone.
int HardwareZone = 2; // OFFICE
Upload sketch to your ESP hardware. If you are using ArduinoOTA to update over the network then also set a device hostname and power cycle your hardware after first upload otherwise OTA won't work
Here is a little LED light module I buult to put behind items around the house. I also use this to control strips of LEDs by adding a 3 pin JST connector to the end of the internal LED wiring.