jan-vince / smallrecords

OctoberCMS plugin to store and manage records and lists
MIT License
30 stars 11 forks source link

Small Records

Universal plugin for storing and presenting (almost) any kind of data

Install from OctoberCMS backend Settings > Updates&Plugins > Install plugins with name Small Records.

You can set permissions for plugin parts and created lists.

There are some settings in Settings > Small Plugins > Small records.

About Small Records

Main idea behind this plugin is to have a place where I can easily organize records in several lists (like portfolio, partners, sliders and their images, simple photo galleries, etc.).

The simplest scenario is:

Manage records:

Create pages

Visit frontend

Go to page /records. There should be categories tags and records listed.

All records, categories and tags are connected with links.

Look at the end of this documentation for more detailed how to.

Small Records parts


Lists are groups of records. They can be eg. Products, Photo albums, Logos, ...

Created list will be appended to the top of the left side menu.

Add custom records form fields

When creating a new list you can allow predefined form fields or you can create your own form definition (based on repeater).

When creating or editing a List, open tab Custom form fields and allow its use.

Set basic settings and add new fields to your custom form.

Each list can has a different form.

Look inside a default Record detail component partial to see how to work with custom repeater data.


Here you can manage categories.

They can be organized into a tree - click on button Reorder and drag&drop category over another one.


Simple list of tags that can be assigned to records.


If you need to store a specific information for your records, that is not in default records form, here you can define a name of an attribute and it's type (string, text, number, switch).

Create or edit a record and go to tab Attributes (but this tab must be allowed in List settings to be visible!).

Access attributes in Twig

If you assigned one or more attributes to any record, you can iterate through them with Twig code like:

{% for attribute in record.attributes %}

    {{ attribute.name }} : {{ attribute.value }}

{% endfor %}

Or there are functions to get a specific attribute (or attribute's value) by slug like:

    {{ record.getAttributeBySlug('my-attribute-slug') }}

    {{ record.getAttributeValueBySlug('my-attribute-slug') }}

Import and Export

There are buttons ready in Records and Categories lists.


There are components and default partials ready to use in your Layout, Page or Partial.

Component's default partials are meant as templates - you should customize them to your needs as these can change in a future!

Best way to customize them is to copy them to yout theme folder like:


Folder records should be named after component's alias name. See more details in OctoberCMS docs.

Component: Categories

Put default partial {% component 'categories' %} in your layout/page/partial to inspect how to work with categories lists.

Customize component's parameters.

Component: Tags

Put default partial {% component 'tags' %} in your layout/page/partial to inspect how to work with tags lists.

Customize component's parameters.

Component: Records

You can add a Records component to a page, layout or partial.

Put default partial {% component 'records' %} in your layout/page/partial to inspect how to work with records lists.

Customize component's parameters.

Component: Record

Put default partial {% component 'recordDetail' %} in your layout/page/partial to inspect how to work with records lists.

Customize component's parameters.

Basic use case

Install Small Records plugin.

In OctoberCMS backend click in main menu on Records and then in left pane on Lists.

Create a new list.

Add some records to this list, add some categories, tags and attributes (and assign them to some of your records if you want).

Layout file

Go to a CMS part of backend and create a layout file Default with content:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <meta name="title" content="Records">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="sha384-BVYiiSIFeK1dGmJRAkycuHAHRg32OmUcww7on3RYdg4Va+PmSTsz/K68vbdEjh4u" crossorigin="anonymous">
        {% styles %}

        {% page %}


Single record page

Create a CMS page with name Record and URL /record/:record.

Select its layout Default.

From left pane add a Small Records > Record component to the page content window on right side.

Save a file.

Single category page

Create a CMS page with name Category and URL /category/:category.

Select its layout Default.

From left pane add a Small Records > Category component to the page content window on right side.

Save a file.

Single tag page

Create a CMS page with name Tag and URL /tag/:tag.

Select its layout Default.

From left pane add a Small Records > Tag component to the page content window on right side.

Save a file.

Records and categories page

Create a CMS page Records with URL /records/:category?.

Select its layout Default.

From left pane add components to the page content:

Save a file;

The result

Open URL `/records' to see the records list.

You should be able to filter by category and tag and to click on records to see a detail.


Getting records with scopes


Special thanks goes to:
OctoberCMS team members and supporters for this great system. Samuel Zeller for his photo I have used in the plugin banner. Font Awesome for Universal access symbol.

Created by Jan Vince, freelance web designer from Czech Republic.