jancborchardt / hackercouch

Pledge your couch to hackers!
64 stars 29 forks source link

Hacker Couch

Pledge your couch to hackers!

  1. Fork this repository and put in your couch and/or travel info.
  2. Manually add »Issues« to your fork by clicking the »Admin« tab and enabling it there.
  3. Search to find Hacker Couches (you can also specify a city).
  4. To request a stay or invite fellow hackers, open an issue in the tracker. You can check out their profiles and look at their code and see where you can collaborate.
  6. Afterwards you can leave the other person a review in their issue tracker.

It’s like CouchSurfing, except CouchSurfing sucks. So does AirBnB, hostels and hotels. Why not stay with fellow hackers when traveling and work on awesome stuff together? Also join our IRC channel #hackercouch.

https://www.trustroots.org/ is an interesting alternative to couchsurfing and hackercouch. It's open source, free spirited and it does oauth with GitHub.

Crash on my couch

I have no permanent couch at the moment. But if I would, I’d say something like this:

No need to limit length of stay or state interests, just check out people’s profiles, look at their code and discuss everything directly in the issue.

Have me crash on your couch

Your next travels where you need a couch go in here, like: