janelia-arduino / Watchdog

The watchdog monitors the operation of the system by expecting periodic communication from the software, generally known as servicing or refreshing the watchdog. If this periodic refreshing does not occur, the watchdog resets the system.
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+TITLE: Watchdog

+AUTHOR: Peter Polidoro

+EMAIL: peter@polidoro.io

** Timeout Durations

 Possible timeout durations are 15ms, 30ms, 60ms, 120ms, 250ms, 500ms, 1s, 2s, 4s, and 8s.

 Not all devices allow timeout durations.
 - Teensy 4.x does not allow timeout durations below 1s.
 - Other processors do not allow timeout durations of 4s or 8s.

** Teensy 4

 The watchdog code for the Teensy 4 was written by Antonio Brewer:


** Tripped Method

 The tripped method was written by Steve Sawtelle.

 Unfortunately this method does not work with certain microprocessors and
 boards, such as the Arduino Mega 2560, Teensy 2.0, and Teensy++ 2.0.