janestreet / ppx_diff

A PPX rewriter that generates the implementation of [Ldiffable.S].
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Generation of diffs and update functions for ocaml types.

ppx_diff is a ppx rewriter that generates the implementation of [Diffable.S]. The [Diff.t] type represents differences between two values. The [Diff.get] and [Diff.apply_exn] functions compute and apply the differences.

Users of ppx_diff should add the [diffable] library to the dependencies in [jbuild].


Basic usage

If you define a type as follows:

type t [@@deriving diff]

then code will be generated matching the following signature:

module Diff : sig
  type derived_on = t
  type t

  val get : from : derived_on -> to_ : derived_on -> local_ t Optional_diff.t
  val apply_exn : derived_on -> t -> derived_on

  val of_list_exn : t list -> local_ t Optional_diff.t

Use of [@@deriving diff] in an .mli will extend the signature with the above module. In an .ml, definitions will be generated.

Serialization and deserialization functions

You will likely want your diff type to derive some subset of bin_io, sexp, of_sexp, sexp_of.

By default [@@deriving diff] will include the same subset of the above as those included on your original type.

So e.g. if you define a type as follows:

type t [@@deriving sexp, bin_io, diff]

then code will be generated matching the following signature:

module Diff : sig
  type derived_on = t
  type t [@@deriving sexp, bin_io]

  val get : from : derived_on -> to_ : derived_on -> local_ t Optional_diff.t
  val apply_exn : derived_on -> t -> derived_on

  val of_list_exn : t list -> local_ t Optional_diff.t

If you want to derive additional items on your diff type, you can achieve this using the extra_derive argument.

For instance, you can write:

type t [@@deriving sexp_of, diff ~extra_derive:[of_sexp ; bin_io]]

Signature explanation

Optional Diff

Optional_diff has the following accessor functions:

module Optional_diff : sig
  type 'a t

  val is_none : local_ _ t -> bool
  val unsafe_value : local_ 'a t -> 'a
  val to_option : local_ 'a t -> 'a option

It is designed to improve allocations. Specifically, if you have a local_ 'a t, that means that 'a was allocated, but the pointer to 'a option was not.

Exn functions

Why are the function called apply_exn and of_list_exn instead of apply and of_list?

Rest assured that calling

Option.iter (Diff.get ~from ~to_ |> Optional_diff.to_option) ~f:(Diff.apply_exn from)

will never raise.

However, applying a hand-crafted diff might raise for some types (in particular for variants when the diff is for an unexpected variant). Similarly, hand-crafing diffs using of_list_exn may raise if trying to combine diffs for different variants.


By default, diffs will be "nested". This means if a type deriving diff references other types, those types must also be diffable.

For example, for the following to work

type t =
  { x : X.t
  ; y : Y.t
  ; z : Z.t
  } [@@deriving diff]

X.t, Y.t and Z.t must also either derive diff or otherwise implement Diffable.S.

Some types are already supported, so it's ok to reference those. This includes:

Parametric types

ppx_diff works also with parametric polymorphic types. In this case the [Diff.get] and [Diff.apply_exn] functions require diff functions for all the types in order of their appearance in the type definition. This is similar to what you may be used to with e.g. t_of_sexp functions.

The [Diff.of_list_exn] function requires [of_list_exn] and [apply_exn] of all the types in order of their appearance. (The [apply_exn] is needed for variant types. If you combine something like [Set_to_variant_X of a] with [Diff_variant_X of a_diff], the result should be [Set_to_variant_X (apply_a_exn a a_diff)])

If you define a type as follows:

type ('a, 'b) t [@@deriving diff]

then code will be generated matching following signature:

module Diff : sig
  type ('a, 'b) derived_on = ('a, 'b) t

  type ('a, 'b, 'a_diff, 'b_diff) t

  val get
    :  (from:'a -> to_:'a -> local_ 'a_diff Optional_diff.t)
    -> (from:'b -> to_:'b -> local_ 'b_diff Optional_diff.t)
    -> from:('a, 'b) derived_on
    -> to_:('a, 'b) derived_on
    -> local_ ('a, 'b, 'a_diff, 'b_diff) t Optional_diff.t

  val apply_exn
    :  ('a -> 'a_diff -> 'a)
    -> ('b -> 'b_diff -> 'b)
    -> ('a, 'b) derived_on
    -> ('a, 'b, 'a_diff, 'b_diff) t
    -> ('a, 'b) derived_on

  val of_list_exn
    :  ('a_diff list -> local_ 'a_diff Optional_diff.t)
    -> ('a -> 'a_diff -> 'a)
    -> ('b_diff list -> local_ 'b_diff Optional_diff.t)
    -> ('b -> 'b_diff -> 'b)
    -> ('a, 'b, 'a_diff, 'b_diff) t list
    -> local_ ('a, 'b, 'a_diff, 'b_diff) t Optional_diff.t

Types with names other than t

ppx_diff works also with types named something else than t.

If you define a type as follows

type name [@@deriving diff]

then code will be generated matching the following signature:

module Diff_of_name : sig
  type derived_on = name
  type t

  val get : from : derived_on -> to_ : derived_on -> local_ t Optional_diff.t
  val apply_exn : derived_on -> t -> derived_on
  val of_list_exn : t list -> local_ t Optional_diff.t

Supported types

Below you can see some examples of what the diff types looks like for various supported types.


The diff of a record is a list of diffs of its fields (and includes only the fields that changed)

type t =
  { x : X.t
  ; y : Y.t
  ; z : Z.t
  } [@@deriving diff]

module Diff : sig

  module Field_diff : sig
    type t = | X of X.Diff.t | Y of Y.Diff.t | Z of Z.Diff.t

  type t = private Field_diff.t list

  val create : ?x:X.Diff.t -> ?y:Y.Diff.t -> ?z:Z.Diff.t -> unit -> t

  val create_of_variants
    :  x:local_ (X.Diff.t, Field_diff.t) Of_variant.t
    -> y:local_ (Y.Diff.t, Field_diff.t) Of_variant.t
    -> z:local_ (Z.Diff.t, Field_diff.t) Of_variant.t
    -> t

  val singleton : Field_diff.t -> t


module Of_variant : sig
  type ('a, 'diff) t = ('a -> 'diff) Variantslib.Variant.t -> local_ 'a Optional_diff.t


The Diff.t type is private, because the list satisfies two invariants:

(@) There is at most one item of each of X, Y and Z variant of Field_diff.t in t (@) The items are in sorted order

Those two invariants allow for a more performant apply_exn function.

How to create the diff

You can still create items of the Diff.t type by calling Diff.singleton, Diff.create, Diff.create_of_variants or Diff.of_list_exn

Note that Diff.of_list_exn will correctly order the diffs and combine diffs for the same field in order to satisfy the invariants.

Record with one field

There is a special case for a record with just one field. We don't return a list, just the (optional) single field diff:

type t = { x : X.t } [@@deriving diff]

module Diff : sig
  type t = | X of X.Diff.t


Very similar to records

type t = X.t * Y.t [@@deriving diff]

module Diff : sig
  type t = (X.t, Y.t, X.Diff.t, Y.Diff.t) Diffable.Tuples.Tuple2.Diff.t


module Tuple2 : sig
  type ('a1, 'a2) t = 'a1 * 'a2 [@@deriving sexp, bin_io]

  module Diff : sig
    type ('a1, 'a2) derived_on = ('a1, 'a2) t

    module Entry_diff : sig
      type ('a1, 'a2, 'a1_diff, 'a2_diff) t =
        | T1 of 'a1_diff
        | T2 of 'a2_diff
      [@@deriving variants, sexp, bin_io]

    type ('a1, 'a2, 'a1_diff, 'a2_diff) t =
      ('a1, 'a2, 'a1_diff, 'a2_diff) Entry_diff.t list
    [@@deriving sexp, bin_io]

    val create : ?t1:'a1_diff -> ?t2:'a2_diff -> unit -> ('a1, 'a2, 'a1_diff, 'a2_diff) t

    val create_of_variants
      :  t1:local_ ('a1_diff, ('a1, 'a2, 'a1_diff, 'a2_diff) Entry_diff.t) Of_variant.t
      -> t2:local_ ('a2_diff, ('a1, 'a2, 'a1_diff, 'a2_diff) Entry_diff.t) Of_variant.t
      -> ('a1, 'a2, 'a1_diff, 'a2_diff) t

    val singleton
      :  ('a1, 'a2, 'a1_diff, 'a2_diff) Entry_diff.t
      -> ('a1, 'a2, 'a1_diff, 'a2_diff) t


Again the Entry_diff.t entries in Diff.t must be sorted and unique, and again create, create_of_variants, singleton functions are provided for convenience.

Tuples of size greater than 6 are not supported, but this can be trivially extended as the Tuple modules are generated using cinaps.


type t = X.t [@@deriving diff]

module Diff : sig
  type t = X.Diff.t

including parametrized ones

type t = Y.t X1.t [@@deriving diff]

module Diff : sig
  type t = (Y.t, Y.Diff.t) X.Diff.t


type 'a t = 'a [@@deriving diff]

module Diff : sig
  type ('a, 'a_diff) t = 'a_diff


type t =
  | A
  | B of B.t
[@@deriving diff]

module Diff : sig
  type t = | Set_to_a | Set_to_b of B.t | Diff_b of B.Diff.t


Inlined tuples and records

Inlined tuples and records are also supported. Their diff types look exactly like those for regular tuples / records.

type t =
  | C of C1.t * C2.t
  | D of { d1 : D1.t ; d2 : D2.t}
[@@deriving diff]

module Diff : sig

  module D_record : sig
    type t =
      { global_ d1 : D1.t
      ; global_ d2 : D2.t

    module Diff : sig
      type derived_on = t

      module Field_diff : sig
        type t =
          | D1 of D1.Diff.t
          | D2 of D2.Diff.t

      type t = private Field_diff.t list

      val get
        :  from:local_ derived_on
        -> to_:local_ derived_on
        -> local_ t Optional_diff.t

      val apply_exn : local_ derived_on -> t -> local_ derived_on

      val of_list_exn : t list -> local_ t Optional_diff.t

      val create : ?d1:D1.Diff.t -> ?d2:D2.Diff.t -> unit -> t

      val create_of_variants
        :  d1:local_ (D1.Diff.t, Field_diff.t) Of_variant.t
        -> d2:local_ (D2.Diff.t, Field_diff.t) Of_variant.t
        -> t

      val singleton : Field_diff.t -> t

  type t =
    | Set_to_c of C1.t * C2.t
    | Set_to_d of
        { d1 : D1.t
        ; d2 : D2.t
    | Diff_c of Diffable.Tuples.Tuple2.For_inlined_tuple.Diff.t
    | Diff_d of D_record.Diff.t



type Diffable.Tuples.Tuple2.For_inlined_tuple.Diff.t = Diffable.Tuples.Tuple2.Diff.t

Notice that for inlined records the ppx generates a helper module which looks the same as a regular record module with [@@deriving diff], but can be calculated from / applied to local_ values of derived_on.

Similar helper modules exist for tuples in Diffable.Tuples.TupleN.For_inlined_tuple

Referencing other types

Since diffs are by default nested, any type you reference must also derive diff or otherwise implement Diffable.S

For example, if Some_type doesn't implement Diffable.S, then the following:

type t = Some_type.t * Some_type.t
[@@deriving diff]

Will give you an error like:

Error: Unbound module Some_type.Diff

Often it's enough to just add [@@deriving diff] to the referenced type.

But occasionally that doesn't quite work. This section covers some special cases and how to handle them.

Atomic diffs

Some types, e.g. any Identifiable, or indeed Some_type.t, are super simple, and what we really want is to have type Diff.t = t and only return a diff if the two values aren't equal. We call such diffs atomic.

This section explains how you can mark your types as atomically diffable


You can annotate any part of your type to use atomic diffs using the [@diff.atomic] attribute.

For instance, the error from the example above will go away if you write

type t =
  (Some_type.t [@diff.atomic]) * (Some_type.t [@diff.atomic])
[@@deriving diff]

The annotation also works for record fields:

type t =
  { start : Some_type.t [@diff.atomic]
  ; stop : Some_type.t [@diff.atomic]
[@@deriving diff]

and for variants:

type t =
  | Start of Some_type.t [@diff.atomic]
  | Stop of Some_type.t [@diff.atomic]
[@@deriving diff]

The two examples above are in fact equivalent to

type t =
  { start : (Some_type.t [@diff.atomic])
  ; stop : (Some_type.t [@diff.atomic])
  [@@deriving diff]


type t =
  | Start of (Some_type.t [@diff.atomic])
  | Stop of (Some_type.t [@diff.atomic])
  [@@deriving diff]

but slightly nicer to write.


Finally, you can mark your whole type atomic by using the how parameter:

type t = Some_type.t [@@deriving equal, diff ~how:"atomic"]

Any type that you mark atomic, must also derive / otherwise implement equal.

Atomic types

To avoid having to add the annotations everywhere, you can also make the referenced type implement Diffable.S in an atomic fashion.

To do this, use Diffable.Make_atomic, e.g.

module Id : sig
  type t [@@deriving sexp, bin_io]
  include Diffable.S with type t := t and type Diff.t = t
end = struct
  type t = string [@@deriving sexp, bin_io, equal]
  include functor Diffable.Atomic.Make

Note that Diffable.Atomic.Make requires that your type derives equal, sexp and bin_io.

If you don't derive all of those (but do derive, say, sexp_of), Diffable.Atomic will still work but you will need to be more verbose, e.g.

module Id : sig
  type t [@@deriving sexp_of]

  module Diff : sig
    type derived_on = t [@@deriving sexp_of]
    type t = derived_on [@@deriving sexp_of]

    include Diffable.Diff.S_plain with type t := t and type derived_on := derived_on
end = struct
  type t = some_type [@@deriving equal, sexp_of]

  module Diff = struct
    type derived_on = t [@@deriving equal, sexp_of]
    type t = derived_on [@@deriving equal, sexp_of]

    include functor Diffable.Atomic.Make_diff_plain

Atomic using compare

If a type doesn't implement equal, but does implement compare, you can also use the atomic_using_compare attribute, which works in exactly the same way as atomic.

E.g. the following will work:

type t = Some_type.t [@@deriving compare, diff ~how:"atomic_using_compare"]
type t =
  { start : Some_type.t [@diff.atomic_using_compare]
  ; stop : Some_type.t [@diff.atomic_using_compare]
[@@deriving diff]

atomic_using_compare does not work in mlis/signatures, just continue using atomic there - the generated signature is exactly the same

A word of warning about NANs

It may come as a surprise, but in Core the following holds

Float.equal Float.nan Float.nan = false
Float.compare Float.nan Float.nan = 0

If you want to avoid spurious NANs in your diffs, e.g. because you want to manually inspect your diffs and don't want them too be noisy, or because you expect there to be a lot of NANs in your values, you need to make sure you use compare and not equal

In practice this means you'll want to:

  1. Use atomic_using_compare and not atomic
  2. If using Diffable.Atomic.Make add an override let equal = [%compare.equal]

The primitive float type is already handled using compare

Sets and maps

Sets and maps implemented using the various Make modules in Comparable and Comparable.Stable already implement Diffable.S and Diffable.S1 respectively, so you can use them out of the box.

All of the following will work:

type t = My_id.Set.t [@@deriving diff]
type t = My_id.Stable.V1.Set.t [@@deriving diff]
type t = { value : float My_id.Map.t } [@@deriving diff]
type t = { value : float My_id.Stable.V1.Map.t } [@@deriving diff]
type 'a t = | Value of 'a My_id.Map.t [@@deriving diff]
type 'a t = | Value of 'a My_id.Stable.V1.Map.t [@@deriving diff]

The diff for sets looks like:

module Diff : sig
  type derived_on = t
  type t = My_id.t Diffable.Set_diff.t


module Diffable.Set_diff : sig
  module Change : sig
    type 'a t = | Add of 'a | Remove of 'a

  type 'a t = 'a Change.t list

and the diff for maps looks like:

module Diff : sig
  type 'v derived_on = 'v t
  type ('v, 'v_diff) t = (My_id.t, 'v, 'v_diff) Diffable.Map_diff.t


module Diffable.Map_diff : sig
  module Change : sig
    type ('key, 'v, 'v_diff) t =
      | Remove of 'key
      | Add of 'key * 'v
      | Diff of 'key * 'v_diff
    [@@deriving sexp, bin_io]

  type ('key, 'v, 'v_diff) t = ('key, 'v, 'v_diff) Change.t list [@@deriving sexp, bin_io]

Map value diffs

By default the values in a map are also diffed.

So if the following:

type t = Some_type.t My_id.Map.t

gives you an error

Error: Unbound module Some_type.Diff

you can fix it by writing

type t = (Some_type.t [@diff.atomic]) My_id.Map.t

Sets and maps with applicative functors

Applicative functors are not supported by diff in general, so none of the following will work:

type t = Set.M(Int).t [@@deriving diff]
type t = float Map.M(Int).t [@@deriving diff]
type t = Set.Stable.V1.M(Int).t [@@deriving diff]
type t = float Map.Stable.V1.M(Int).t [@@deriving diff]

However, there is specific support for applicative functors for sets and maps: you can use set and map annotations similar to the atomic annotation.

Here are some examples of what will work:

type t = Set.M(Int).t [@@deriving diff ~how:"set"]
type t = (float Map.M(Int).t [@diff.map]) [@@deriving diff]
type t = { value : Set.Stable.V1.M(Int).t [@diff.set] } [@@deriving diff]
type t = | Value of float Map.Stable.V1.M(Int).t [@diff.map] [@@deriving diff]

Comparator witness

The following are not supported by default:

type t = (int, Int.comparator_witness) Set.t [@@deriving diff]
type t = (int, float, Int.comparator_witness) Map.t [@@deriving diff]

But they do work with the set and map annotations.

Here are some examples of what will work:

type t = (int, Int.comparator_witness) Set.t [@@deriving diff ~how:"set"]
type t = (int, float, Int.comparator_witness) Map.t [@@deriving diff ~how:"map"]
type t = { value : (int, Int.comparator_witness) Set.t [@diff.set] } [@@deriving diff]
type t = 
  | Value of (int, float, Int.comparator_witness) Map.t [@diff.map] 
[@@deriving diff]

General set/map diff

For the set/map annotations to work in general, they need to be able to determine the element type of the set / the key type of the map.


All of the examples so far use a heuristic to determine the key/elt. By default we assume that the key/elt is X.t for:


If none of the above heuristics apply (or if you want to override the default for whatever reason), you will need to provide the key/elt explicitly.

Any of the following would work:

type t = My_int_set.t [@@deriving diff ~how:"set" ~elt:int]
type t = float My_int_map.t [@@deriving diff ~how:"map" ~key:int]
type t = { value : My_int_set.t [@diff.set (elt : int)] } [@@deriving diff]
type t = | Value of float My_int_map.t [@diff.map (key : int)] [@@deriving diff]

Abstract diffs

One problem that arises from using atomic, atomic_using_compare, set and map attributes is that your type definition may look a bit polluted, since you need to use the attributes in both the mli and the ml

E.g. the following is rather verbose

module Range : sig
  type t =
    { start : Some_type.t [@diff.atomic]
    ; stop : Some_type.t [@diff.atomic]
  [@@deriving diff]
end = struct
  type t =
    { start : Some_type.t [@diff.atomic]
    ; stop : Some_type.t [@diff.atomic]
  [@@deriving diff]

If you don't care about exposing what the diff type actually is, you can make the diff abstract.

You can do this either directly by writing:

module Range : sig
  type t =
    { start : Some_type.t
    ; stop : Some_type.t

  include Diffable.S with type t := t

or, equivalently, by using ~how:"abstract":

module Range : sig
  type t =
    { start : Some_type.t
    ; stop : Some_type.t
  [@@deriving diff ~how:"abstract"]


Want to use [@@deriving diff] with stable types and guarantee that [Diff.t] is also stable? You can use the [stable_version] annotation, e.g.

type t = ... [@@deriving diff ~stable_version:1]

The resulting diff type won't change as long as it only references other types that are both stable themselves and use the diff [stable_version] annotation (or atomic diffs). Note that the compiler does NOT check that you got this right, so we suggest adding a bin digest test for peace of mind.

Only version 1 exists at the moment. There are also currently no plans to change any the types generated by diff, but the stable_version annotation will protect you in case we ever do choose to make changes.

Polling state RPC

ppx_diff can be used with Polling_state_rpc by calling Diffable_polling_state_rpc_response.Polling_state_rpc_response.Make

For example, the following will work:

module Query = Unit

module Response = struct
  type t =
    { foo : int
    ; bar : float
    ; baz : char
    } [@@deriving sexp, bin_io, diff]

let polling_state_rpc =
      (module Diffable_polling_state_rpc_response.Polling_state_rpc_response.Make