jangko / nim-noise

Nim implementation of linenoise command line editor
MIT License
60 stars 11 forks source link
command-line linenoise nim repl


nimble license Github action

Nim implementation of linenoise command line editor, inspired by replxx and linenoise-ng


Planned Features


Primitive API(available when prompt_no_basic is defined):

Basic API:

History API:

Completion API:

PreloadBuffer API:

KillRing API:


import noise, strutils

proc main() =
  var noise = Noise.init()

  let prompt = Styler.init(fgRed, "Red ", fgGreen, "苹果> ")

  when promptPreloadBuffer:

  when promptHistory:
    var file = "history"
    discard noise.historyLoad(file)

  when promptCompletion:
    proc completionHook(noise: var Noise, text: string): int =
      const words = ["apple", "diamond", "diadem", "diablo", "horse", "home", "quartz", "quit"]
      for w in words:
        if w.find(text) != -1:
          noise.addCompletion w


  while true:
    let ok = noise.readLine()
    if not ok: break

    let line = noise.getLine
    case line
    of ".help": printHelp()
    of ".quit": break
    else: discard

    when promptHistory:
      if line.len > 0:

  when promptHistory:
    discard noise.historySave(file)


Key Binding

  # Completion
    CTRL-I/TAB                   activates completion
       TAB again                 rotate between completion alternatives
       ESC, CTRL-C               undo changes and exit to normal editing
       Other keys                accept completion and resume to normal editing

  # History
    CTRL-P, UP_ARROW_KEY         recall previous line in history
    CTRL-N, DOWN_ARROW_KEY       recall next line in history
    ALT-<, PAGE_UP_KEY           beginning of history
    ALT->, PAGE_DOWN_KEY         end of history

  # Incremental history search
    CTRL-R, CTRL-S               forward/reverse interactive history search
       TAB, DOWN_ARROW_KEY       rotate between history alternatives(+)
       UP_ARROW_KEY              rotate between history alternatives(-)
       ESC, CTRL-C               cancel selection and exit to normal editing
       Other keys                accept selected history

  # Kill and yank
    ALT-D                        kill word to right of cursor
    ALT + Backspace              kill word to left of cursor
    CTRL-K                       kill from cursor to end of line
    CTRL-U                       kill all characters to the left of the cursor
    CTRL-W                       kill to whitespace (not word) to left of cursor
    CTRL-Y                       yank killed text
       ALT-Y                     'yank-pop', rotate popped text

  # Word editing
    ALT-C                        give word initial cap
    ALT-L                        lowercase word
    CTRL-T                       transpose characters
    ALT-U                        uppercase word

  # Cursor navigation
    CTRL-A, HOME_KEY             move cursor to start of line
    CTRL-E, END_KEY              move cursor to end of line
    CTRL-B, LEFT_ARROW_KEY       move cursor left by one character
    CTRL-F, RIGHT_ARROW_KEY      move cursor right by one character
    ALT + RIGHT_ARROW_KEY        move cursor right by one word
    ALT + LEFT_ARROW_KEY         move cursor left by one word

  # Basic Editing
    CTRL-C                       abort this line
    CTRL-H/backspace             delete char to left of cursor
    DELETE_KEY                   delete the character under the cursor
    CTRL-D                       delete the character under the cursor
                                 on an empty line, exit the shell
    CTRL-J, CTRL-M/Enter         accept line
    CTRL-L                       clear screen and redisplay line

Compile time switches:

Please use -d: or --define: during build time.

Unicode awareness

On Posix OSes, everything is encoded in UTF-8. On Windows, the API dictates UTF-16 usage. Internally, nim-noise use UTF-32 to encode the text and some homebrew encoding to encode keyboard keys. Altough this is sound complicated, you as a user will only deal with UTF-8 when interacting with nim-noise. If your application only use ASCII subset, then you will not to worry about anything.

When you write your completion callback, add and retrieve history, preloaded buffer, you will receive UTF-8 encoded string and give UTF-8/ASCII encoded string too.

Primitives API

Sometimes, when building a console UI, all you need is only a cross platform key stroke library. You can use nim-noise like that by specifying prompt_no_basic.

Installation via nimble

nimble install noise