jangreen / rat

RAT: Relational Algebra (with) Tableaus
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RAT: Relational Algebra (with) Tableaus

RAT is a tool that automatically compares weak memory models formalised in CAT.




The docker image has all dependencies pre-installed to run the tool. Build and run the container:

docker build . -t rat
docker run -w /home/rat -it rat /bin/bash

From Sources

  1. Install dependencies above.

    The Antlr tool must be placed at /usr/local/lib/antlr-4.10.1-complete.jar and can be installed by:

cd /usr/local/lib
curl -O https://www.antlr.org/download/antlr-4.10.1-complete.jar
  1. Build the tool
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -S . -B ./build
cmake --build ./build --target rat -j 10


RAT supports proof files written in relational algebra as in CAT. Proof files support the following expressions to describe sets and relations. Relation identifiers must begin with a lowercase letter and set identifiers must begin with an upper case letter.

<set>       ::= <base_set> | <set_identifier> | '0' | <set> '&' <set> | <set> '|' <set> 

<relation>  ::= <base_relation> | <relation_identifier> | '0' | 'id'
            | <relation> '&' <relation> | <relation> '|' <relation> | <relation> '^-1'
            | <relation> ';' <relation> | <relation> '^*' | <relation> '^+' | <relation> '?'    

A proof file consist of statements fo the following form.

<include>       ::= 'include' <filepath>
<definition>    ::= 'let' <identifier> '=' <expression>
<assumption>    ::= 'assume' <expression> '<=' <expression>
<assertion>     ::= 'assert' <expression> '<=' <expression>

There are only five supported types of assumptions:

'assert' <relation> '<=' '0'
'assert' <relation> '<=' <base_relation>
'assert' <relation> '<=' 'id'
'assert' <set> '<=' '0'
'assert' <set> '<=' <base_set>

An example proof file could be:

assume a;a <= 0
assert (a;b;a) & id <= 0

To run the tool execute:

./build/rat <path to proof file>

There are two possible results for each assertion in a proof file:

The tool generates either a proof or a counterexample. Both are exported as .dot file in the output folder.