jangxx / OVRT_Soundpad

An OVR Toolkit custom app and a bridge that allows triggering Soundpad effects from within OVR Toolkit
MIT License
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OVR Toolkit Soundpad Integration

A OVR Toolkit app and a bridge that brings the Soundpad soundboard into OVR Toolkit. Apps running within OVR Toolkit do not have enough access to the system where they would be able to interact with Soundpad. For this reason, a bridge app is required, which allows us to access Soundpad from within OVR Toolkit.

NOTE: This app requires Soundpad to work! It does next to nothing without it. You can buy Soundpad either on the website or on Steam.

Installation of the bridge

Simply go to the Releases and download the latest version as a zip file. Extract this file to a directory of your liking and you are done. Simply execute ovrt_soundpad_bridge.exe in the unpacked directory.

Updating the bridge

To update the bridge simply delete all files from the previous installation and copy the files from the new version into the same folder. The settings are kept in a different place, so it's always safe to completely delete the whole installation directory.

Auto-launch Soundpad with the bridge

If you want to avoid the hassle of always having to start two programs (Soundpad and the bridge), you can instruct the bridge to automatically launch Soundpad if it's not running already, in which case you only have to start the bridge app.

Simply right-click on the tray icon and select Set Soundpad path as shown in the following picture:

set soundpad path

You then have to navigate to the directory where Soundpad is installed and select Soundpad.exe.

If you use the Steam version, you instead click on Autostart Soundpad from Steam:

start soundpad steam

If you want to disable the auto-launch feature again, simply click on Clear Soundpad path or untick Autostart Soundpad from Steam respectively:

clear soundpad path


Phone UI

phone ui

The interface should be self-explanatory.

Soundboard UI

The soundboard UI is also very simple:

soundboard ui

Clicking on a button will play the sound effect. The names are identical to the ones used within Soundpad itself.

If the Edit Mode is turned on, each of the buttons with get a little edit icon and clicking it will open a list of sound effects from Soundpad to choose from.

soundboard edit mode

soundboard sound list

OSC Integration

Version 1.2.0 adds support to interface with the bridge via OSC. To enable this feature, right click on the tray icon and click on Enable OSC integration. Afterwards restart the bridge for the change to take effect.

By default, the OSC server listens on and offers two addresses:

If you want to change the addresses or the address and port the OSC server listens on, you have to open the config file located in %localappdata%\jangxx\OVRT Soundpad\config.json (you can paste this into the File Explorer directly) and edit the respective values under the "osc" key. Don't forget to quit the bridge before editing the file as your changes will be overwritten otherwise.


This section covers topics related to running and building the app as well as the bridge locally.

Running the bridge

First install Python 3 so that is accessible from the Terminal.

Step 1: Create a virtualenv (you only have to do this the first time)

python -m venv venv

Step 2: Activate the virtalenv

Step 3: Install required packages (you only have to do this the first time)

pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 4: Run the bridge!

python server/main.py

Building the bridge exe file

We use cx_Freeze to build a standalone version of the bridge for releases. Simply run

python setup.py build

to build the app into the dist/bridge directory.

Developing the OVR Toolkit app

We use gulp and browserify to build everything that is frontend related.

First install Node.js (and npm) and then run npm i -g gulp-cli to install gulp.

Then to tnstall all required packages (you only have to do this the first time):

npm install

Afterwards you are good to go. Run


to spin up a development server (localhost:8080). You can now use a normal browser to develop the app instead of always having to going into OVR Toolkit. Obviously, none of the OVR Toolkit specific functionality will work here (like opening the overlay).

Gulp will automatically rebuild and package the whole app every time you change something. To access the app from within OVR Toolkit create a symlink (folder junction) between dist/workshop and a folder within LocalCustomApps within the OVR Toolkit installation dir. For example (your paths will probably differ):

mklink /J "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\OVR Toolkit\LocalCustomApps\ovrt_soundpad" dist\workshop

OVR Toolkit will now show the app in the phone view. If you made a change you have to manually reload the page however, either by closing and re-opening the overlay or by going to the CEF debugger (localhost:9849) and clicking on the reload button.