janimo / textsecure-qml

TextSecure UI in Go and QML
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Importing contacts fails and locks up the app. #20

Closed nephilim1973 closed 8 years ago

nephilim1973 commented 8 years ago

Trying to import more than one contact at once results in stucking app. Must be shit down and restart.

Trying to import one contact results in empty contact list after importing.


nephilim1973 commented 8 years ago

Sorry for auto correction issues. 'falls'='fails' and 'shit'='shut'...

janimo commented 8 years ago

Are you trying version 0.3.3 ? I know the content hub picker dialog is sometimes unreliable. Is this always the case when you try it?

janimo commented 8 years ago

In case the import works but you get the empty list (or the lockup) can you check whether you have .vcf files somewhere under /home/phablet/.cache/textsecure.jani/HubIncoming ? It may be a vcard parsing error, so could you mail me (jani@ubuntu.com) anonymized versions of those files (so replace the phone number or names or anything inside them which you deem sensitive - the N, FN and TEL fields usually) Another user reported contact import lockup but I cannot reproduce locally even if I refresh contacts from the UI multiple times.

janimo commented 8 years ago

It would be good to be able to reproduce this.

jplatte commented 8 years ago

Alright, so I'm also affected by this, although I have the same behaviour for importing one or more contacts: The contact list simply staying empty.

I have a file /home/phablet/.cache/textsecure.jani/HubIncoming/1/ubuntu_contacts.vcf with the two contacts I tried to import in it, looks approximately like this:

N:<first name>;<last name>;;;
FN:<full name>
TEL;TYPE=CELL:<4 or 5 digit phone number provider prefix> <rest of the phone number>
<the same thing as before...>
janimo commented 8 years ago

Can you paste somewhere or mail me /home/phablet/.cache/upstart/application-click-textsecure.jani_textsecure_0.3.4.log (replace 0..3.4 with the version you're using)

Is importing always failing?

Note the contact list will be the intersection of what you import and the list of your contacts using Signal/TextSecure. So just to be clear, some of your contacts have their numbers registered but they still do not show up?

jplatte commented 8 years ago

Is importing always failing?

Yeah, I haven't ever had a contact in my TextSecure contact list :/

So just to be clear, some of your contacts have their numbers registered but they still do not show up?



libust[24233/24235]: Error: Error opening shm /lttng-ust-wait-5 (in get_wait_shm() at lttng-ust-comm.c:958)
libust[24233/24235]: Error: Error opening shm /lttng-ust-wait-5 (in get_wait_shm() at lttng-ust-comm.c:958)
libust[24233/24236]: Error: Error opening shm /lttng-ust-wait-5-32011 (in get_wait_shm() at lttng-ust-comm.c:958)
libust[24233/24236]: Error: Error opening shm /lttng-ust-wait-5-32011 (in get_wait_shm() at lttng-ust-comm.c:958)
Loading module: 'libubuntu_application_api_touch_mirclient.so.3.0.0'
2015/10/30 10:49:48 open /home/phablet/.config/textsecure.jani/settings.yml: no such file or directory
libust[24233/24266]: Error: Error opening shm /lttng-ust-wait-5 (in get_wait_shm() at lttng-ust-comm.c:958)
libust[24233/24266]: Error: Error opening shm /lttng-ust-wait-5 (in get_wait_shm() at lttng-ust-comm.c:958)
libust[24233/24267]: Error: Error opening shm /lttng-ust-wait-5-32011 (in get_wait_shm() at lttng-ust-comm.c:958)
libust[24233/24267]: Error: Error opening shm /lttng-ust-wait-5-32011 (in get_wait_shm() at lttng-ust-comm.c:958)
2015/10/30 10:49:50 .:0: virtual QMediaService* AalServicePlugin::create(const QString&) "org.qt-project.qt.mediaplayer"
Creating a new static Service instance
2015/10/30 10:49:50 .:0: QMediaPlayer::QMediaPlayer(QObject*, QMediaPlayer::Flags)
2015/10/30 10:49:50 .:0: virtual QMediaPlayer::State AalMediaPlayerControl::state() const 

2015/10/30 10:49:50 .:0: virtual QMediaPlayer::MediaStatus AalMediaPlayerControl::mediaStatus() const 

2015/10/30 10:49:50 .:0: virtual QMediaPlayer::MediaStatus AalMediaPlayerControl::mediaStatus() const 

2015/10/30 10:49:50 .:0: virtual QMediaService* AalServicePlugin::create(const QString&) "org.qt-project.qt.mediaplayer"
Creating a new static Service instance
2015/10/30 10:49:50 .:0: QMediaPlayer::QMediaPlayer(QObject*, QMediaPlayer::Flags)
2015/10/30 10:49:50 .:0: virtual QMediaPlayer::State AalMediaPlayerControl::state() const 

2015/10/30 10:49:50 .:0: virtual QMediaPlayer::MediaStatus AalMediaPlayerControl::mediaStatus() const 

2015/10/30 10:49:50 .:0: virtual QMediaPlayer::MediaStatus AalMediaPlayerControl::mediaStatus() const 

2015/10/30 10:49:50 Avatar.qml:49: file:////opt/click.ubuntu.com/textsecure.jani/0.3.4/qml/phoneui/components/Avatar.qml:49:5: QML UbuntuShape: 'image' is deprecated. Use 'source' instead.
2015/10/30 10:49:50 Avatar.qml:49: file:////opt/click.ubuntu.com/textsecure.jani/0.3.4/qml/phoneui/components/Avatar.qml:49:5: QML UbuntuShape: 'stretched' is deprecated. Use 'sourceFillMode' instead
2015/10/30 10:49:50 Avatar.qml:49: file:////opt/click.ubuntu.com/textsecure.jani/0.3.4/qml/phoneui/components/Avatar.qml:49:5: QML UbuntuShape: 'horizontalAlignment' is deprecated. Use 'sourceHorizontalAlignment' instead
2015/10/30 10:49:50 Avatar.qml:49: file:////opt/click.ubuntu.com/textsecure.jani/0.3.4/qml/phoneui/components/Avatar.qml:49:5: QML UbuntuShape: 'horizontalAlignment' is deprecated. Use 'sourceVerticalAlignment' instead
2015/10/30 10:49:50 .:0: virtual void QDeclarativeAudio::componentComplete()
2015/10/30 10:49:50 .:0: virtual void QDeclarativeAudio::componentComplete()
2015/10/30 10:49:50 .:0: virtual void AalMediaPlayerControl::stop() 

PlaybackStatusChanged signal arrived via the bus (Status: PlaybackStatus::stopped)
2015/10/30 10:49:50 TextAreaStyle.qml:53: file:///usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/Components/Themes/Ambiance/1.2/TextAreaStyle.qml:53:36: QML UbuntuShape: 'color' is deprecated. Use 'backgroundColor', 'secondaryBackgroundColor' and 'backgroundMode' instead.
2015/10/30 10:49:51 .:0: PlaybackStatus changed to:  4
UbuntuWindow - regular geometry
2015/10/30 10:49:51 .:0: ** Application is now active
2015/10/30 10:49:51 .:0: ** Application is now active
2015/10/30 10:49:51 .:0: UbuntuWindow::handleSurfaceFocusChange(focused=true)
2015/10/30 10:49:51 ButtonStyle.qml:135: file:///usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/Components/Themes/Ambiance/1.2/ButtonStyle.qml:135:5: QML UbuntuShape: 'gradientColor' is deprecated. Use 'backgroundColor', 'secondaryBackgroundColor' and 'backgroundMode' instead.
2015/10/30 10:49:51 .:0: UbuntuClipboard - Got invalid serialized mime data. Ignoring it.
2015/10/30 10:49:51 websocket.Dial wss://textsecure-service.whispersystems.org:443/v1/websocket/?login=%2B4915788297352&password=EXnI2jAPRokAq%2BUPLHc8rw: dial tcp: lookup textsecure-service.whispersystems.org: Temporary failure in name resolution
libust[24233/24266]: Error: Error opening shm /lttng-ust-wait-5 (in get_wait_shm() at lttng-ust-comm.c:958)
libust[24233/24267]: Error: Error opening shm /lttng-ust-wait-5-32011 (in get_wait_shm() at lttng-ust-comm.c:958)
2015/10/30 10:49:54 websocket.Dial wss://textsecure-service.whispersystems.org:443/v1/websocket/?login=%2B4915788297352&password=EXnI2jAPRokAq%2BUPLHc8rw: dial tcp: lookup textsecure-service.whispersystems.org: Temporary failure in name resolution
2015/10/30 10:49:57 .:0: UbuntuWindow::handleSurfaceFocusChange(focused=false)
2015/10/30 10:49:57 .:0: ** Application is now inactive
2015/10/30 10:49:57 .:0: ** Application is now inactive
2015/10/30 10:49:57 websocket.Dial wss://textsecure-service.whispersystems.org:443/v1/websocket/?login=%2B4915788297352&password=EXnI2jAPRokAq%2BUPLHc8rw: dial tcp: lookup textsecure-service.whispersystems.org: Temporary failure in name resolution
libust[24233/24266]: Error: Error opening shm /lttng-ust-wait-5 (in get_wait_shm() at lttng-ust-comm.c:958)
libust[24233/24267]: Error: Error opening shm /lttng-ust-wait-5-32011 (in get_wait_shm() at lttng-ust-comm.c:958)
2015/10/30 10:50:00 .:0: UbuntuWindow::handleSurfaceFocusChange(focused=true)
2015/10/30 10:50:00 .:0: ** Application is now active
2015/10/30 10:50:00 .:0: ** Application is now active
2015/10/30 10:50:00 .:0: UbuntuClipboard - Got invalid serialized mime data. Ignoring it.
2015/10/30 10:50:00 websocket.Dial wss://textsecure-service.whispersystems.org:443/v1/websocket/?login=%2B4915788297352&password=EXnI2jAPRokAq%2BUPLHc8rw: dial tcp: lookup textsecure-service.whispersystems.org: Temporary failure in name resolution
libust[24233/24266]: Error: Error opening shm /lttng-ust-wait-5 (in get_wait_shm() at lttng-ust-comm.c:958)
libust[24233/24267]: Error: Error opening shm /lttng-ust-wait-5-32011 (in get_wait_shm() at lttng-ust-comm.c:958)
2015/10/30 10:50:04 Header.qml:34: WARNING: Header is an internal component of Ubuntu.Components andits API may change or be removed at any moment.Please use MainView and Page instead.
2015/10/30 10:50:04 ContentPeerPicker11.qml:204: file:///usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/Content/ContentPeerPicker11.qml:204: TypeError: Cannot read property 'peers' of null
2015/10/30 10:50:06 .:0: QObject::startTimer: Timers cannot be started from another thread
2015/10/30 10:50:06 .:0: UbuntuWindow::handleSurfaceFocusChange(focused=false)
2015/10/30 10:50:06 .:0: UbuntuWindow::handleSurfaceFocusChange(focused=true)
2015/10/30 10:50:06 .:0: UbuntuWindow::handleSurfaceFocusChange(focused=false)
2015/10/30 10:50:06 .:0: ** Application is now inactive
2015/10/30 10:50:06 .:0: ** Application is now inactive
2015/10/30 10:50:06 .:0: ** Application is now active
2015/10/30 10:50:06 .:0: ** Application is now active
2015/10/30 10:50:06 .:0: ** Application is now inactive
2015/10/30 10:50:06 .:0: ** Application is now inactive
2015/10/30 10:50:06 .:0: UbuntuClipboard - Got invalid serialized mime data. Ignoring it.
libust[24233/24267]: Error: Error opening shm /lttng-ust-wait-5-32011 (in get_wait_shm() at lttng-ust-comm.c:958)
libust[24233/24266]: Error: Error opening shm /lttng-ust-wait-5 (in get_wait_shm() at lttng-ust-comm.c:958)
2015/10/30 10:50:12 Not read , BEGIN: [[VCARD]]
2015/10/30 10:50:12 Not read , UID: [[6df5dc8be7ce14715128e67e063a94b75f13a31d]]
2015/10/30 10:50:12 Not read , 
2015/10/30 10:50:12 Not read , UID: [[f7269798c41d02a0f84bd086382f959ef3dcfbeb]]
2015/10/30 10:50:12 Not read , : []
2015/10/30 10:50:13 .:0: UbuntuWindow::handleSurfaceFocusChange(focused=true)
2015/10/30 10:50:13 .:0: ** Application is now active
2015/10/30 10:50:13 .:0: ** Application is now active
2015/10/30 10:50:13 .:0: UbuntuClipboard - Got invalid serialized mime data. Ignoring it.
2015/10/30 10:50:13 .:0: UbuntuWindow::handleSurfaceFocusChange(focused=false)
2015/10/30 10:50:13 .:0: UbuntuWindow::handleSurfaceFocusChange(focused=true)
2015/10/30 10:50:13 .:0: ** Application is now inactive
2015/10/30 10:50:13 .:0: ** Application is now inactive
2015/10/30 10:50:13 .:0: ** Application is now active
2015/10/30 10:50:13 .:0: ** Application is now active
2015/10/30 10:50:13 .:0: UbuntuClipboard - Got invalid serialized mime data. Ignoring it.
2015/10/30 10:50:15 .:0: UbuntuWindow::handleSurfaceFocusChange(focused=false)
2015/10/30 10:50:15 .:0: ** Application is now inactive
2015/10/30 10:50:15 .:0: ** Application is now inactive
2015/10/30 10:50:16 .:0: QObject::killTimer: Timers cannot be stopped from another thread
2015/10/30 10:50:16 .:0: QObject::startTimer: Timers cannot be started from another thread
libust[24233/24267]: Error: Error opening shm /lttng-ust-wait-5-32011 (in get_wait_shm() at lttng-ust-comm.c:958)
libust[24233/24266]: Error: Error opening shm /lttng-ust-wait-5 (in get_wait_shm() at lttng-ust-comm.c:958)
2015/10/30 10:50:21 .:0: UbuntuWindow::handleSurfaceFocusChange(focused=true)
2015/10/30 10:50:21 .:0: ** Application is now active
2015/10/30 10:50:21 .:0: ** Application is now active
2015/10/30 10:50:21 .:0: UbuntuClipboard - Got invalid serialized mime data. Ignoring it.
2015/10/30 10:50:22 .:0: UbuntuWindow::handleSurfaceFocusChange(focused=false)
2015/10/30 10:50:22 .:0: ** Application is now inactive
2015/10/30 10:50:22 .:0: ** Application is now inactive
2015/10/30 10:50:22 .:0: UbuntuWindow::handleSurfaceFocusChange(focused=true)
2015/10/30 10:50:22 .:0: ** Application is now active
2015/10/30 10:50:22 .:0: ** Application is now active
2015/10/30 10:50:22 .:0: UbuntuClipboard - Got invalid serialized mime data. Ignoring it.
libust[24233/24267]: Error: Error opening shm /lttng-ust-wait-5-32011 (in get_wait_shm() at lttng-ust-comm.c:958)
libust[24233/24266]: Error: Error opening shm /lttng-ust-wait-5 (in get_wait_shm() at lttng-ust-comm.c:958)
2015/10/30 10:50:23 .:0: UbuntuWindow::handleSurfaceFocusChange(focused=false)
2015/10/30 10:50:23 .:0: ** Application is now inactive
2015/10/30 10:50:23 .:0: ** Application is now inactive
2015/10/30 10:50:23 .:0: QObject::killTimer: Timers cannot be stopped from another thread
2015/10/30 10:50:23 .:0: QObject::startTimer: Timers cannot be started from another thread
janimo commented 8 years ago

I see there are two network error messages, indicatig there was no connectivity when you started the app.

Did you get a dialog with a network error?

If so, make sure there is connectivity before starting the app and try importing contacts then.

There's no online/offlice detection, so starting with network off can result in the network coming back only after a minute or so and not immediately.

If that does not work either, are the contacts in your address book prefixed with +XX (country code) ?

jplatte commented 8 years ago

If that does not work either, are the contacts in your address book prefixed with +XX (country code) ?

Okay, that seems to be it. I had 0... before, changed it to +49... and it works. Is this expected?! Why isn't the 0 just interpreted as my own country code?

janimo commented 8 years ago

Good to see we figured out what the issue was. Automatically converting the numbers to the format the server expects would be ideal. I'll look into how upstream does it.

janimo commented 8 years ago

@jplatte your issue is different from the original - which had the app lock up - so I have opened issue #23 for yours.

janimo commented 8 years ago

@nephilim1973 is importing contacts still failing for you with more recent versions?

janimo commented 8 years ago

probably fixed.