janimo / textsecure-qml

TextSecure UI in Go and QML
GNU General Public License v3.0
44 stars 5 forks source link

TextSecure client for the Ubuntu Phone

This is a Signal compatible client for the Ubuntu Phone, written in Go and QML. It builds upon the [Go textsecure package] (https://github.com/janimo/textsecure) and modified versions of the Telegram for Ubuntu Phone QML interface.

What works

What is missing

There are still bugs and UI/UX quirks.


Download the latest release from the app store or build it yourself (you'll need docker running)

./build.sh rel

Install on a phone connected via adb


For more details check the [wiki] (https://github.com/janimo/textsecure-qml/wiki/Installation)


User and developer discussions happen on the [mailing list] (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/textsecure-go), everything else is on github.