janison / theBFG

A cloud-native C# unit / integration / load testing tool that clusters automatically
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A cloud-native dotnet | .NET unit / integration / load testing tool that clusters automatically

Feature ...
Zero-configuration the host will automatically detect listeners using the SSDP protocal (but yes, you can provide config in multiple ways if required)
Hyper-CD Verfy light-weight. Deploys apps in ms. Save time, and frustration, doing more testing, and less waiting or configuring.
Real-time reporting Use the theBFG Test Arena to monitor in real-time all aspects of your tests including errors, worker CPU, MEM and throughput
NO DSL or JAVA or other scripting to learn Use all the same tools you love & pure .net to define complex intergation test scenarios
Continuous Fuzzy testing theBFG can execute your test suites in different ways, not just in different orders
Create worker clusters with ease Simply run theBFG on as many instances as you require!
Target workers with tags Partition workers and route different tests conditionally with ease.
Supercharge EXISTING test-suites theBGF supports distributing work to a cluster that will work together to execute it as quickly as possible
Cloud scale-out To really push the boundaries of your App, Cloud functions can be used to host workers
NO API bleed If you out-grow theBFG or otherwise dont require its sevices anymore, delete its reference, its config classes, the .bfg directory and its gone. No refactor required.

Checkout the backlog to see whats to come

TheBFG flow

  1. Code your app

  2. Install thebfg

    dotnet tool install thebfg -g
  3. Create a unit-test


  1. Configure your IDE to deploy your unit-test on compile:
    AfterBuild: thebfg target {path/To/unit.test.dll} and fire and exit


open up your favourite console and host a Test Arena independently of any IDE

> thebfg target {path/To/unit.test.dll}

then fire in another process or any other networked host (Win, Linux, macOS...)

> thebfg fire

... and thats it. Each time you compile your unit-test will be deployed on demand the workers you have setup and they will run the tests in the way you have commanded it.

Pro Tips:

  • use wildcard *.tests.dll to target all tests of specific patterns inside a folder, will search recursively
  • use $ to target specific tests ...test.dll$any_test_you_want inside a .dll
  • every command also works with project files as the .dll ie. .csproj .fsproj or .vbproj
  • No after build triggers? No Worries! theBFG also monitors the target for changes, automatically reloading and fireing on every update to bring advanced Hyper-CD testing capabilities to any IDE

Integration test?

thebfg target myTargets.bfc


Target thisTest.dll, Target andThatTest.dll, Target atTheSameTime.dll
Target afterAllThoseCompleteSpawn3OfThese.dll;3

Automation test? Start the SUT and monitor it for failures

  1. Configure your IDE to deploy the app-under-test on compile:

thebfg launch {app} {path/To/unit.test.dll} and exit

  1. Update your test.dll to download the App and get a reference to it

nuget install thebfg

// will install App into version folders nested -> app/target/dir/{version}/*.*
// will continuely monitor for fresh app updates and automatically update
// and launch it without having to restart your test - great for continuious
// stress testing or hyper CI/CD scenarios
var stop = theBFG.launch("app", "app/target/dir").Until(); 

.... repeat for as many Apps as your integration test depends on.

Quick Reference


By default, your tests will run in the same ordering and sequence as your IDE

To alter the execution mode of a test, simply end any launch command with a mode. Feel free to compose modes together to produce unique testing workflows for different situations.

Mode Application
Continious Runs a test on a loop over and over, logging any exceptions and restarting after any crash
Options exitAfter: timespan
Burst cluster will run test in loop modes at intervals that will ebb-and-flow over time
Options rampUp: timespan | minBurst: timespan | maxBurst: timespan
Compete makes the cluster work through an entire test-suite in a first exit, first wins scenario
Options batchSize: number | reactive (watches the consumption rate and auto-adjustes for fastest speed)
Rapid each test agent in the cluster will spawn a number of worker processes, and run the test on each thread. Combine this with dotnet thread multi-threading and to expose any bottlenecks in your architectureƒs
Options runsInParallal: timespan
Continious Runs a test on a loop over and over, logging any exceptions and restarting after any crash
Options exitAfter: timespan
Using Runs a test using a specific test platform
Options dotnet: uses dotnet test, for .NET core vstest: uses full framework vstest bundled with visual studio | custom: use any test runner

Pro tip: use the bfgAPI to better control and instead feed a IObservable<Timespan> to any of these options!


Each worker can be assigned #one #or #more #tags

on a window machine:

> thebfg fire #os:win

on a macbook:

> thebfg fire #os:macos

commands can then be #tag'ed

> thebfg launch some.dll #os:*

and some.dll will run on each host and return its results


> thebfg launch some.dll #os:win

to only run the test on the windows host

@ StartUnitTest some.dll #os:*

other logic ...


theBFG is truely a TDD multi-tool. It allows complex test scenarios to be orchestrated with its API accessible either via:



Unit or Integration Testing

> thebfg target test.dll and exit


remotely stream all logs from a worker for 10mins

Route: ...
@ StreamLogs 10

Integration Testing

Performance Testing

Reliability Testing

Data Save / Import / Export / Reset


Test Runners

Out of the box, theBFG works with dotnet test & vstest.console.exe. But in essence all it does it wrap the output streams, parsing and triggering different events along the way to feed the Test Arena. You can use this same technique, or a closer integration using theBFG API, to tune theBFG to your specific flow.

More: Checkout the Integration guide

The TestArena

TheBFG TestArena is a hyper-CD tool that allows you to understand whats going on in realtime through a web browser. It a minimal layer that is designed to supercharge TDD, while being pluggable into other systems / charts / CD pipelines as necessary.

It has features which are not listed here. Mouse over different parts of the UI to learn its functions and explore the system as it evolves...


Real-time logs

Watch application output as it happens

Augment the stream with your own logging


Real-time metrics

Access Test Arena metrics and other bfg cluster vitals through a web-browser

... and you can add your own data points through the bfgAPI

Automatic log shipping

Monitor Errors

Any exception that is thrown in your test is surfaced through the portal

Own your data

All data collected by the BFG will be placed in a .bfg folder next to where you executed the command.

Benifits include:

Real-time ports

use SignalR to subscribe to a real-time event feed using the bfgAPI to customise the integration for your specific use-case ie. logging to AppInsights

Manage libraries of Apps

Each time a test is targeted, it is uploaded to the Test Arena so workers can later run the test. This repository can also be accessed via REST and allow you to distribute your tests through your infrastructure with ease.


Date Changelog comment
2/2/21 1.0.0-beta Baseline API implemention
8/4/21 1.0.0 Stable first release
8/4/21 1.0.1 Adds auto detection of test runner
9/4/21 1.0.2 House keeping
18/5/21 1.0.7 New Features + Stabilising