janlukasschroeder / sec-api

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No XBRL Data Available #18

Closed bbkrr closed 2 years ago

bbkrr commented 2 years ago

CIK: 0000355379

Using sec-api we get a message 'No XBRL data available for this filing. XBRL was made mandatory in 2009. You can find more details here: https://www.sec.gov/page/osdhistoryandrulemaking'

But from companyfacts we can actually get the data of this CIK. Link to companyfacts: https://data.sec.gov/api/xbrl/companyfacts/CIK0000355379.json

So, why is sec-api not able to extract data of this CIK, is it not XBRL ?

janlukasschroeder commented 2 years ago

All data is available for CIK 0000355379.

Using the XBRL-JSON API and the most recent 10-Q of 0000355379, the GET request would look like this:

bbkrr commented 2 years ago


Actually I was looking for the 10K data which is available in Edgar database but sec-api threw an error.

url: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/355379/000155837021003013/mdwt-20201231x10k.htm

janlukasschroeder commented 2 years ago

@bbkrr great pick up! thanks for clarifying. you found a very rare edge case that the converter didn't pick up. the issue is resolved and the XBRL data is returned as expected:

bbkrr commented 2 years ago


Thank you for the quick change. Indeed we get the data from url='https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/355379/000155837021003013/mdwt-20201231x10k.htm'.

But it should also give the result for url='https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0000355379/000155837021003013/mdwt-20201231x10k.htm'.

Which is same CIK but only added with zeros at the beginning. CIK = 355379 or CIK = 0000355379.

I checked this with other companies using sec-api and it works for all the other companies even if there are zeros in the beginning but it does not work for this company.