janlukasschroeder / sec-api

sec.gov EDGAR API | search & filter SEC filings | over 150 form types supported | 10-Q, 10-K, 8, 4, 13, S-11, ... | insider trading
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sec.gov EDGAR filings query, extraction, parser and real-time streaming API

You can find more examples and details here: sec-api.io/docs

Data source: sec.gov

Getting Started

You can use the API in your command line, or develop your own application using the API as imported package. Both options are explained below.

Before you start:

Query API

The query API allows you to search and filter all 18 million filings published on SEC EDGAR.

The example below returns the most recent 10-Q filings.

const { queryApi } = require('sec-api');


const query = {
  query: { query_string: { query: 'formType:"10-Q"' } }, // get most recent 10-Q filings
  from: '0', // start with first filing. used for pagination.
  size: '10', // limit response to 10 filings
  sort: [{ filedAt: { order: 'desc' } }], // sort result by filedAt

const filings = await queryApi.getFilings(rawQuery);

See the documentation for more details: https://sec-api.io/docs/query-api

Full-Text Search API

Full-text search allows you to search the full text of all EDGAR filings submitted since 2001. The full text of a filing includes all data in the filing itself as well as all attachments (such as exhibits) to the filing.

The example below returns all 8-K and 10-Q filings and their exhibits, filed between 01-01-2021 and 14-06-2021, that include the exact phrase "LPCN 1154".

const { fullTextSearchApi } = require('sec-api');


const query = {
  query: '"LPCN 1154"',
  formTypes: ['8-K', '10-Q'],
  startDate: '2021-01-01',
  endDate: '2021-06-14',

const filings = await fullTextSearchApi.getFilings(rawQuery);

See the documentation for more details: https://sec-api.io/docs/full-text-search-api

Real-Time Streaming API

The stream API provides a live stream (aka feed) of newly published filings on SEC EDGAR. A new filing is sent to your connected client as soon as its published.

Type in your command line:

  1. mkdir my-project && cd my-project to create a new folder for your project.
  2. npm init -y to set up Node.js boilerplate.
  3. npm install sec-api to install the package.
  4. touch index.js to create a new file. Copy/paste the example code below into the file index.js. Replace YOUR_API_KEY with the API key provided on sec-api.io
const { streamApi } = require('sec-api');


streamApi.on('filing', (filing) => console.log(filing));
  1. node index.js to start listening for new filings. New filings are printed in your console as soon as they are published on SEC EDGAR.

See the documentation for more details: https://sec-api.io/docs/stream-api

Command Line

In your command line, type

  1. npm install sec-api -g to install the package
  2. sec-api YOUR_API_KEY to connect to the stream. Replace YOUR_API_KEY with the API key provided on sec-api.io
  3. Done! You will see new filings printed in your command line as soon as they are published on SEC EDGAR.


Live Demo: https://codesandbox.io/s/01xqz2ml9l (requires an API key to work)

import { streamApi } from 'sec-api';

class Filings extends React.Component {
  componentDidMount() {
    const socket = streamApi('YOUR_API_KEY');
    socket.on('filing', (filing) => console.log(filing));

  // ...

XBRL-To-JSON Converter API

Parse and standardize any XBRL and convert it to JSON. Extract financial statements and meta data from 10-K and 10-Q filings.

The entire US GAAP taxonomy is fully supported. All XBRL items are fully converted into JSON, including us-gaap, dei and custom items. XBRL facts are automatically mapped to their respective context including period instants and date ranges.

All financial statements are accessible and standardized:

Variants such as ConsolidatedStatementsofOperations or ConsolidatedStatementsOfLossIncome are automatically standardized to their root name, e.g. StatementsOfIncome.

Income Statement - Example Item

  "StatementsOfIncome": {
    "RevenueFromContractWithCustomerExcludingAssessedTax": [
        "decimals": "-6",
        "unitRef": "usd",
        "period": {
          "startDate": "2019-09-29",
          "endDate": "2020-09-26"
        "value": "274515000000"
        "decimals": "-6",
        "unitRef": "usd",
        "period": {
          "startDate": "2018-09-30",
          "endDate": "2019-09-28"
        "value": "260174000000"


There are 3 ways to convert XBRL to JSON:

const { xbrlApi } = secApi;


// 10-K HTM File URL example

// 10-K XBRL File URL Example

// 10-K Accession Number Example
xbrlApi.xbrlToJson({ accessionNo: '0000320193-20-000096' }).then(console.log);

Example Response

Note: response is shortened.

 "CoverPage": {
  "DocumentPeriodEndDate": "2020-09-26",
  "EntityRegistrantName": "Apple Inc.",
  "EntityIncorporationStateCountryCode": "CA",
  "EntityTaxIdentificationNumber": "94-2404110",
  "EntityAddressAddressLine1": "One Apple Park Way",
  "EntityAddressCityOrTown": "Cupertino",
  "EntityAddressStateOrProvince": "CA",
  "EntityAddressPostalZipCode": "95014",
  "CityAreaCode": "408",
  "LocalPhoneNumber": "996-1010",
  "TradingSymbol": "AAPL",
  "EntityPublicFloat": {
   "decimals": "-6",
   "unitRef": "usd",
   "period": {
    "instant": "2020-03-27"
   "value": "1070633000000"
  "EntityCommonStockSharesOutstanding": {
   "decimals": "-3",
   "unitRef": "shares",
   "period": {
    "instant": "2020-10-16"
   "value": "17001802000"
  "DocumentFiscalPeriodFocus": "FY",
  "CurrentFiscalYearEndDate": "--09-26"
 "StatementsOfIncome": {
  "RevenueFromContractWithCustomerExcludingAssessedTax": [
    "decimals": "-6",
    "unitRef": "usd",
    "period": {
     "startDate": "2019-09-29",
     "endDate": "2020-09-26"
    "segment": {
     "dimension": "srt:ProductOrServiceAxis",
     "value": "us-gaap:ProductMember"
    "value": "220747000000"
    "decimals": "-6",
    "unitRef": "usd",
    "period": {
     "startDate": "2018-09-30",
     "endDate": "2019-09-28"
    "segment": {
     "dimension": "srt:ProductOrServiceAxis",
     "value": "us-gaap:ProductMember"
    "value": "213883000000"
 "BalanceSheets": {
  "CashAndCashEquivalentsAtCarryingValue": [
    "decimals": "-6",
    "unitRef": "usd",
    "period": {
     "instant": "2020-09-26"
    "value": "38016000000"
    "decimals": "-6",
    "unitRef": "usd",
    "period": {
     "instant": "2019-09-28"
    "value": "48844000000"
    "decimals": "-6",
    "unitRef": "usd",
    "period": {
     "instant": "2020-09-26"
    "segment": {
     "dimension": "us-gaap:FinancialInstrumentAxis",
     "value": "us-gaap:CashMember"
    "value": "17773000000"

See the documentation for more details: https://sec-api.io/docs/xbrl-to-json-converter-api

10-K/10-Q Section Extractor API

The Extractor API returns individual sections from 10-Q and 10-K filings. The extracted section is cleaned and standardized - in raw text or in standardized HTML. You can programmatically extract one or multiple sections from any 10-Q and 10-K filing.

All 10-K and 10-Q sections can be extracted:


const { extractorApi } = secApi;

// Tesla 10-K filing
const filingUrl =

const sectionText = await extractorApi.getSection(filingUrl, '1A', 'text');
const sectionHtml = await extractorApi.getSection(filingUrl, '1A', 'html');


See the documentation for more details: https://sec-api.io/docs/sec-filings-item-extraction-api

Filing Render & Download API

Download or render up to 40 filings per second. All filings, exhibits and attachements are supported. Access over 650,000 gigabyte of filings data. You can process the downloaded data in memory or save it to your hard drive.

const { renderApi } = require('sec-api');


const filingUrl =

const filingContent = await renderApi.getFilingContent(filingUrl);

See the documentation for more details: https://sec-api.io/docs/sec-filings-render-api

Response Format

13F Institutional Ownerships

13F filings report institutional ownerships. Each 13F filing has an attribute holdings (array). An array item in holdings represents one holding and has the following attributes:

Example JSON Response

  "id": "79ad9e452ea42402df4fe55c636191d6",
  "accessionNo": "0001213900-21-032169",
  "cik": "1824149",
  "ticker": "JOFF",
  "companyName": "JOFF Fintech Acquisition Corp.",
  "companyNameLong": "JOFF Fintech Acquisition Corp. (Filer)",
  "formType": "10-Q",
  "description": "Form 10-Q - Quarterly report [Sections 13 or 15(d)]",
  "filedAt": "2021-06-11T17:25:44-04:00",
  "linkToTxt": "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1824149/000121390021032169/0001213900-21-032169.txt",
  "linkToHtml": "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1824149/000121390021032169/0001213900-21-032169-index.htm",
  "linkToXbrl": "",
  "linkToFilingDetails": "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1824149/000121390021032169/f10q0321_jofffintech.htm",
  "entities": [
      "companyName": "JOFF Fintech Acquisition Corp. (Filer)",
      "cik": "1824149",
      "irsNo": "852863893",
      "stateOfIncorporation": "DE",
      "fiscalYearEnd": "1231",
      "type": "10-Q",
      "act": "34",
      "fileNo": "001-40005",
      "filmNo": "211012398",
      "sic": "6770 Blank Checks"
  "documentFormatFiles": [
      "sequence": "1",
      "description": "QUARTERLY REPORT",
      "documentUrl": "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1824149/000121390021032169/f10q0321_jofffintech.htm",
      "type": "10-Q",
      "size": "274745"
      "sequence": "2",
      "description": "CERTIFICATION",
      "documentUrl": "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1824149/000121390021032169/f10q0321ex31-1_jofffintech.htm",
      "type": "EX-31.1",
      "size": "12209"
      "sequence": "3",
      "description": "CERTIFICATION",
      "documentUrl": "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1824149/000121390021032169/f10q0321ex31-2_jofffintech.htm",
      "type": "EX-31.2",
      "size": "12220"
      "sequence": "4",
      "description": "CERTIFICATION",
      "documentUrl": "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1824149/000121390021032169/f10q0321ex32-1_jofffintech.htm",
      "type": "EX-32.1",
      "size": "4603"
      "sequence": "5",
      "description": "CERTIFICATION",
      "documentUrl": "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1824149/000121390021032169/f10q0321ex32-2_jofffintech.htm",
      "type": "EX-32.2",
      "size": "4607"
      "sequence": " ",
      "description": "Complete submission text file",
      "documentUrl": "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1824149/000121390021032169/0001213900-21-032169.txt",
      "type": " ",
      "size": "2344339"
  "dataFiles": [
      "sequence": "6",
      "description": "XBRL INSTANCE FILE",
      "documentUrl": "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1824149/000121390021032169/joff-20210331.xml",
      "type": "EX-101.INS",
      "size": "248137"
      "sequence": "7",
      "description": "XBRL SCHEMA FILE",
      "documentUrl": "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1824149/000121390021032169/joff-20210331.xsd",
      "type": "EX-101.SCH",
      "size": "43550"
      "sequence": "8",
      "description": "XBRL CALCULATION FILE",
      "documentUrl": "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1824149/000121390021032169/joff-20210331_cal.xml",
      "type": "EX-101.CAL",
      "size": "21259"
      "sequence": "9",
      "description": "XBRL DEFINITION FILE",
      "documentUrl": "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1824149/000121390021032169/joff-20210331_def.xml",
      "type": "EX-101.DEF",
      "size": "182722"
      "sequence": "10",
      "description": "XBRL LABEL FILE",
      "documentUrl": "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1824149/000121390021032169/joff-20210331_lab.xml",
      "type": "EX-101.LAB",
      "size": "309660"
      "sequence": "11",
      "description": "XBRL PRESENTATION FILE",
      "documentUrl": "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1824149/000121390021032169/joff-20210331_pre.xml",
      "type": "EX-101.PRE",
      "size": "186873"
  "seriesAndClassesContractsInformation": [],
  "periodOfReport": "2021-03-31",
  "effectivenessDate": "2021-03-31"


Let me know how I can improve the library or if you have any feature suggestions. I'm happy to implement them.

Just open a new issue on github here: https://github.com/janlukasschroeder/sec-api/issues