janlukasschroeder / sec-api

sec.gov EDGAR API | search & filter SEC filings | over 150 form types supported | 10-Q, 10-K, 8, 4, 13, S-11, ... | insider trading
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Flagging section request failure for SEC Extractor API #34

Closed WWSCH14 closed 11 months ago

WWSCH14 commented 1 year ago


I was recently working with your SEC API and wanted to flag an issue with the HTML section extraction module (ExtractorAPI).

In some cases for 10-Q fileType, section extraction fails to generate the expected full string response for the instructed subsection; the coded samples below might give you a better idea of the issue:


filing_link_url = 'https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1782524/000178252421000133/msdlfform10-qq32021.htm' 

subsection = 'part1item1' 

html = 'html'

extractorApi = ExtractorApi(api_key)

section_html = extractorApi.get_section(filing_link_url, subsection, html) 
#ISSUE: the returned section_html is incomplete

The above uses the 3Q21 filing from Morgan Stanley Direct Lending Fund


filing_link_url = 

subsection = 'part1item1' 

html = 'html'

extractorApi = ExtractorApi(api_key)

section_html = extractorApi.get_section(filing_link_url, subsection, html) 
#ISSUE: the returned section_html string is incomplete

The above uses the 2Q21 filing from Morgan Stanley Direct Lending Fund; I am experiencing the same issue for the 1Q21 filing as well (https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1782524/000178252421000107/msdlfform10-qq22021.htm)

For quarterlies and the 10-K for reporting periods prior to 2021, the extractorAPI returns the expected response. For the 2021 10-K onwards, the extractorAPI also returns the expected response (issue seems to be isolated to these 2021 quarterly filings for subsection part1item1).


WWSCH14 commented 1 year ago

Same with https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1782524/000178252422000050/msdlf10-q03312022.htm; part1item1 request returns just the table of contents for the financial statements section