janmarques / IsoCountries

List of ISO country codes, with their 2-character, 3 character and numeric code. Includes English country name, demonym and adjective.
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adjective country-codes demonym iso


Install via nuget, the package is named ExtendedIsoCountries. https://www.nuget.org/packages/ExtendedIsoCountries/


List of ISO country codes, with their 2-character, 3 character and numeric code. Includes English country name, demonym and adjective. Based on the official list published by ISO here https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:pub:PUB500001:en

Code Example

Add reference to namespace ExtendedIsoCountries. Entry point is the Country class. Get all countries via Country.Countries, or search through them via:

using Xunit;
using ExtendedIsoCountries;

namespace CountryTests
    public class ReadmeSample
        public void ReadmeExample_Spain()
            var country = Country.GetBy2CharacterCode("ES");
            Assert.Equal(country.Alpha2Code, "ES");
            Assert.Equal(country.Alpha3Code, "ESP");
            Assert.Equal(country.NumericCode, 724);
            Assert.Equal(country.Name, "Spain");
            Assert.Equal(country.Adjective, "Spanish"); // (a Spanish beer)
            Assert.Equal(country.Demonym, "Spaniard"); // (a Spaniard living in Barcelona)
            Assert.Equal(country.HasAdjective, true);
            Assert.Equal(country.HasDemonym, true);


No nuget package of countries with respective demonyms and adjectives existed so far.