janmayer / NeuLAND-132Sn

Simulated detector response and calorimetric event reconstruction for the New Large Area Neutron detector NeuLAND
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NeuLAND Sn-132

Simulated detector response and calorimetric event reconstruction for the breakup of Sn-132 into one to six neutrons and a heavy fragment

NeuLAND, the New Large Area Neutron Detector, is a part of the Reactions with Relativistic Radioactive Beams (R3B) experiment at the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR), the Universe in the Laboratory, which is currently under construction in Darmstadt, Germany. It detects neutrons emitted in nuclear reactions to investigate the origin of matter in the cosmos, the properties of exotic isotopes far away from stability, and more.

NeuLANDs main purpose is to determine the mulitplicity (= number) and the precise energy of the neutrons emitted in the nuclear reaction of interest. Modules of the detector, called doubleplanes, are each constructed with 250cm long plastic scintillator bars with a square profile of 5cm, where 50 bars are aligned horizontally and 50 vertically. Incoming neutrons interact with this material, and the resulting charged secondary particles deposit energy, which is converted to light. At each end of bar, a photomultiplier detects the emitted light, and from its arrival time and amplitude, the position within the bar can be calculated. Such a position-time-energy tuple is called a hit. From the first interaction of the neutron, its energy can be precisely calculated with the Time-of-Flight method. As a neutron can randomly undergo a large variety of different reactions, the hit pattern in the detector look vastly different, and reconstruction of the first interaction point can be difficult.

Hit pattern example

In this JupyterLab repository, we explore the performance of one reconstruction method, formerly called the TDR method, with simulated data. This reconstruction method is to a large part centered around calorimetric properties of the detector, i.e., detecting the neutron's converted kinetic energy. The simulations are performed with R3BRoot, which is based on the FAIRRoot framework, which in turn utilized Geant4 for the particle transport and ROOT for data handling. Note that we here use the automatically generated Python integration ROOT provides.

Performance depends on many factors:

The range of options explored here is:

distances = [15, 35]  # meters
doubleplanes = [8, 12, 20, 30]
energies = [200, 600, 1000]  # in MeV
erels = [100, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000]  # in keV
neutrons = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
physicss = ["bert", "bic", "inclxx"]

The simulation, data processing, reconstruction, and visualization steps are separated into different notebooks:

Calibr example