janmonschke / diffsync

Enables real-time collaborative editing of arbitrary JSON objects
MIT License
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Enables real-time collaborative editing of arbitrary JSON objects

Table of contents


diffsync is available via NPM for server and client (browserify & webpack):

npm install diffsync

If you are neither using browserify nor webpack for your client side code, you can get the latest version here:


For specific versions of the standalone version, simply add them to the URL like this (e.g. for version 2.1.0):



DiffSync-Todos: An example implementation of a collaborative todo list hosted on heroku. (Source code: https://github.com/janmonschke/diffsync-todos) Try it out with a couple of browser windows open for the same list :)

How does it work?


For any questions about diffsync and general chat about collaborative websites, join our Slack channel :)


diffsync consists of a client and a server component which both implement their side of the Differential Synchronization Algorithm. These two components communicate via a custom protocol that was built on top of socket.io. However, socket.io is no hard dependency and it can be replaced by whatever communication library you wish, as long as it implements the socket.io interface.

The following paragraphs will show you how to get started. If you want to jump right into the code of a full example, head to diffsync-todos.


  // if installed from standalone script or browserify / webpack
  var DiffSyncClient = diffsync.Client || require('diffsync').Client

  // socket.io standalone or browserify / webpack
  var socket = window.io || require('socket.io-client')

  // pass the connection and the id of the data you want to synchronize
  var client = new DiffSyncClient(socket(), id);

  var data;

  client.on('connected', function(){
    // the initial data has been loaded,
    // you can initialize your application
    data = client.getData();

  client.on('synced', function(){
    // an update from the server has been applied
    // you can perform the updates in your application now


  /* --- somewhere in your code --- */

  data.randomChange = Math.random();
  // schedule a sync cycle - this will sync your changes to the server

The client is initialized by passing an instance of a socket.io connection (or a socket.io-compatible client) and the id of the object that should be synchronized with the server and other clients. The initialize method starts the synchronization.

The client object notifies the application about the sync-state via a couple of events:

The data object that is being synced, can be accessed via the clients getData method. It can't be accessed before the connected event has been fired.

It is important that your application is altering the exact same object that is returned by getData because the algorithm synchronizes based on changesets of this object. Every update from the server is also applied to this very object and is notified by the synced event.

When your application has changed the state of this object, the sync method of the client needs to be called to trigger a sync with the server and other connected clients. Since the algorithm is based on sending diffs around, it is perfectly okay to call the sync method after every update on the data.

The diffsync-todos app provides an example client-side integration of diffsync into a todo list application. Check it out to find out how to integrate it into your existing application. In a nutshell, it makes use of Object.observe (and a polyfill for it) to track changes from within the app that are then synced to the server.

As a third optional parameter you can pass an options object to the constructor, that will then be applied to the internal diff-library. For a list of options, please check https://github.com/benjamine/jsondiffpatch#options.


Setting up the server in a very minimal way (with express):

  // setting up express and socket.io
  var app = require('express')();
  var http = require('http').Server(app);
  var io = require('socket.io')(http);

  // setting up diffsync's DataAdapter
  var diffsync    = require('diffsync');
  var dataAdapter = new diffSync.InMemoryDataAdapter();

  // setting up the diffsync server
  var diffSyncServer = new DiffSync.Server(dataAdapter, io);

  // starting the http server
  http.listen(4000, function(){
    console.log('ready to go');

This is all that is needed for running the server part. There is no further addition necessary. Most of the logic is happening in the DataAdapter, which is described in the next section.

As a third optional parameter you can pass an options object to the constructor, that will then be applied to the internal diff-library. For a list of options, please check https://github.com/benjamine/jsondiffpatch#options.


A DataAdapter is used by the server component internally to fetch data to initialize the synchronization and to save the data periodically. The simple interface allows to write a custom data provider for which ever data source you are using in your web app.

The interface consists of two methods:

List of DataAdapters

Best Practices


The Differential Synchronization algorithm was invented by Neil Fraser in 2009. He wrote a paper about that can be found here: https://neil.fraser.name/writing/sync/. In addition to that, he held a Google Tech Talk about it, which is available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2Hp_1jqpY8.

Socket.io independence

Neither client, nor server ship with a dependency of socket.io. This allows to replace the transportation layer with a completely different library which is compatible to the socket.io interface. This implementation relies on named-events, acknowledgments, rooms and it does not make any assumption about the underlying transportation protocol.