janssenr / SendCloudApi.Net

A C#/.net wrapper for the SendCloud API
MIT License
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An unofficial client for the SendCloud API. More info about SendCloud on http://sendcloud.nl. Below are some examples on the usage of this client.

Full docs of the SendCloud API can be found on https://api.sendcloud.dev/docs/sendcloud-public-api/getting-started

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This project can easily be installed through NuGet.

Install-Package SendCloudApi

Set-up connection

Prepare the client for connecting to SendCloud with your API key, API secret and Sendcloud Partner id (optional)

var client = new SendCloudApi.Net.SendCloudApi("apikey", "apisecret", "partnerid")

Get all parcels

Returns an array of Parcel objects

var parcels = await client.Parcels.Get();

Get a single parcel

Returns a Parcel object

var parcel = await client.Parcels.Get(2342);

Create a new parcel

var parcel = new CreateParcel
    Name = "John Smith",
    CompanyName = "ACME",
    Address = "Wellingtonstreet 25",
    City = "Wellington",
    PostalCode = "3423 DD",
    Country = "NL",
    RequestLabel = true,
    ShippingMethod = 1, // Shipping method, get possibilities from client.ShippingMethods.Get()
    OrderNumber = "ORDER2014-52321",
var response = await client.Parcels.Create(parcel);

Retrieve a PDF label

var url = "https://panel.sendcloud.sc/api/v2/labels/normal_printer/{id}";
var label = await client.Label.Download(url);
File.WriteAllBytes("{path}", label);


Actions to the API may cause an Exception to be thrown in case something went wrong

    var response = await client.Parcels.Create(parcel);
catch (SendCloudException e)
    throw new Exception(e.Message);