jantman / gw2copilot

A Python-based GuildWars2 helper tool
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Framework for web pages and ajax #1

Closed jantman closed 8 years ago

jantman commented 8 years ago

Trying to figure out what to use for rendering the web content and hooking in client-side code... the main options I'm considering are either Divmod Nevow which is a whole Twisted-based framework that includes page building, fragments and ajax-y automation stuff, or just using Klein ... or something else? There's not a whole lot in the Twisted world for this...

jantman commented 8 years ago

It looks like I could just use Klein within twisted. But do I really want to handle the ajax myself?

divmod Nevow - maybe it's not THAT awful.

jantman commented 8 years ago

Ok, so... gut reaction to this: there's too much magic going on in Nevow for me. I feel like I'd rather keep the code clean and straightforward. Assuming I can use Klein from the Twisted app... which it looks like I can, provided I peg the Klein version and just re-implement some of the main Klein() class logic...

  1. Just use Klein on the server side. Implement what I need in order to make it work right. Use Jinja2 for templating.
  2. Look into client-side frameworks, and whether any of them would make this easier... or whether the code is custom enough that I just need to do it myself.
  3. Look into websocket servers for Twisted, to see if we can push new data instead of polling for changes. Maybe.
jantman commented 8 years ago

So some notes...


