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.. image:: http://www.repostatus.org/badges/latest/unsupported.svg :alt: Project Status: Unsupported – The project has reached a stable, usable state but the author(s) have ceased all work on it. A new maintainer may be desired. :target: http://www.repostatus.org/#unsupported
A Python-based GuildWars2 helper tool.
This project is unsupported. It is/was mostly functional and usable, and I think it provided quite a bit of help. However I'm no longer playing GW2, so I don't expect to do much, if any, work on this project. If anyone wants to take over development or maintenance of it, please open an issue...
gw2copilot is a browser-based "helper" for Guild Wars 2, to automate manual tasks that players currently perform out of the game.
It is developed for either native Windows or Wine/PlayOnLinux and interfaces with both the official ArenaNet GuildWars ReST API (for both general information and account-specific data) and also makes use of the MumbleLink <https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/API:MumbleLink>
_ memory-mapped file to retrieve realtime character location from the game.
This aims to automate manual tasks that players currently perform, including looking up zone maps online, tracking ToDo's, etc.
This project is not a game overlay; its runs as a standalone webserver, intended to display data in a browser on a second monitor. It also does not, and will not, incorporate anything that violates the User Agreement or Rules of Conduct; aside from the documented ReST APIs <https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/API:Main>
which it uses to communicate with ArenaNet servers, the only way this software interacts with the game is by reading information from the documented MumbleLink <https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/API:MumbleLink>
memory-mapped file to determine current character and location.
Planned features ++++++++++++++++
See the Waffle.io board for development tasks and status: https://waffle.io/jantman/gw2copilot <https://waffle.io/jantman/gw2copilot>
This is very alpha software. I wrote it for myself and a small number of friends. If it's useful to you, great, but I don't intend on doing a whole lot of development on it. The codebase is pretty rough, and I'm probably not even going to write tests for it, let alone the rest of what goes along with real released software; sorry, but I have too many personal projects, and I just want the end result of this.
Note that running natively under Windows is not currently functional, as I can't get GW2 to login under VirtualBox.
here <https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/>
) with pip <https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/>
Guild Wars 2 <https://www.guildwars2.com/en/>
_wine <https://www.winehq.org/>
or PlayOnLinux <https://www.playonlinux.com/en/>
It's recommended that you install into a virtual environment (virtualenv /
venv). See the virtualenv usage documentation <http://www.virtualenv.org/en/latest/>
for information on how to create a venv.
.. code-block:: bash
pip install git+https://github.com/jantman/gw2copilot.git@master#egg=gw2copilot
If you're running under Linux (wine/PlayOnLinux), you'll also need to install Python2.7 in the same WINEPREFIX as GW2.
, just run the installer with wine. Under PlayOnLinux, click the game in the main PoL dialog and then click "Configure". On the Miscellaneous tab, click "Run a .exe file in this virtual drive" and browse to the Python .msi
installer.You'll need an API Key <https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/API:API_key>
_ for the GuildWars2 API;
log in to your account and generate one, and then either export it as the GW2_API_KEY
variable, or pass it via the -k
/ --api-key
command line option. The key you generate
must have at least the account
, characters
and inventories
permissions. It is recommended
for security that each application you use have its own API key.
@TODO this.
Dependencies and Thanks +++++++++++++++++++++++
gw2copilot is built on the shoulders of giants; it makes use of the following Free or Open Source tools:
drant's <http://forum.renaka.com/forum/368355/>
gw2timer.com <http://gw2timer.com/>
(github.com/Drant/GW2Timer <https://github.com/Drant/GW2Timer>
_) for data on resource node locations and some other items not accessible through the GW2 API.bootstrap <http://getbootstrap.com/>
and html5boilerplate <https://html5boilerplate.com/>
for the UI, downloaded via initizlizr <http://www.initializr.com/>
, which themselves include jquery <https://jquery.com/>
and modernizr <https://modernizr.com/>
_.twisted <https://twistedmatrix.com/>
_ event-based asynchronous framework at the heart of the app (reading the MumbleLink file, serving HTTP and websockets, and timer-based actions).Klein <https://klein.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>
microframework for serving HTTP, with user-oriented pages templated using Jinja2 <http://jinja.pocoo.org/>
.psutil <https://pythonhosted.org/psutil/>
_ package, which greatly simplifies finding the running GW2 wine environment.autobahn Python <http://crossbar.io/autobahn/>
_ websocket server.leaflet <http://leafletjs.com/>
for rendering the interactive maps, greatly helped by the example on the GW wiki <https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/API:Maps>
and an example from Cliff Spradlin <http://jsfiddle.net/cliff/CRRGC/>
_.leaflet.contextmenu <https://github.com/aratcliffe/Leaflet.contextmenu>
_ plugin for context menus.bootleaf <https://github.com/bmcbride/bootleaf>
_ to integrate Bootstrap and Leaflet.jqueryui-bootstrap-adapter <https://github.com/arschmitz/jqueryui-bootstrap-adapter>
_ to make jQuery UI and Bootstrap play nicely together.jquery.appendGrid <https://appendgrid.apphb.com/>
_ for the editable Zone Reminders form.Reading the MumbleLink File +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
If you're running natively under Windows, it simply reads the memory-mapped MumbleLink file.
If you're running under Linux (wine/PoL), it's a bit more complicated and involves some "magic", as the memory-mapped file can only be read by other programs running within the same wine server.
's environment via the /proc
binary by searching for it using the PATH
of the Gw2.exe
binary and environment, that reads the memory-mapped file and writes all changes to it as JSON to STDOUT.Bug reports and feature requests are happily accepted via the GitHub Issue Tracker <https://github.com/jantman/gw2copilot/issues>
_. Pull requests are
welcome. Issues that don't have an accompanying pull request will be worked on
as my time and priority allows.
To install for development:
gw2copilot <https://github.com/jantman/gw2copilot>
_ repository on GitHub.. code-block:: bash
$ virtualenv gw2copilot
$ cd gw2copilot && source bin/activate
$ pip install -e git+git@github.com:YOURNAME/gw2copilot.git@BRANCHNAME#egg=gw2copilot
$ cd src/gw2copilot
The git clone you're now in will probably be checked out to a specific commit,
so you may want to git checkout BRANCHNAME
Testing is done via pytest <http://pytest.org/latest/>
, driven by tox <http://tox.testrun.org/>
testing is as simple as:
pip install tox
If you want to pass additional arguments to pytest, add them to the tox command line after "--". i.e., for verbose pytext output on py27 tests: tox -e py27 -- -v
Open an issue for the release; cut a branch off master for that issue.
Confirm that there are CHANGES.rst entries for all major changes.
Ensure that Travis tests passing in all environments.
Ensure that test coverage is no less than the last release (ideally, 100%).
Increment the version number in gw2copilot/version.py and add version and release date to CHANGES.rst, then push to GitHub.
Confirm that README.rst renders correctly on GitHub.
Upload package to testpypi:
for https://testpypi.python.org/pypi)rm -Rf dist
python setup.py register -r https://testpypi.python.org/pypi
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
twine upload -r test dist/*
Create a pull request for the release to be merged into master. Upon successful Travis build, merge it.
Tag the release in Git, push tag to GitHub:
git tag -a X.Y.Z -m 'X.Y.Z released YYYY-MM-DD'
git push origin X.Y.Z
Upload package to live pypi:
twine upload dist/*
make sure any GH issues fixed in the release were closed.
This software is licensed under version 3 of the GNU Affero GPL <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html>
_. The gist is this means you can't build a publicly-accessible service using this code unless you release your complete source code to all of your users under the same license.
This software does not, and will not, violate the Guild Wars 2 User Agreement <https://www.guildwars2.com/en/legal/guild-wars-2-user-agreement/>
, Rules of Conduct <https://www.guildwars2.com/en/legal/guild-wars-2-rules-of-conduct/>
or Terms of Use <https://www.guildwars2.com/en-gb/legal/guild-wars-2-content-terms-of-use/>