janusvr / janus

Janus VR native client (Windows and Linux)
48 stars 14 forks source link


Janus VR source code is released with a GPLv3 license:


Additional deployment notes:

Building for Windows

1) Download and install MSVC 2017 community version (64-bit).
Do not forget to check the "C++ development box".

2) Download and install Qt 5.13.0 https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/5.13/5.13.0/

Make sure to select the release compatible with 64-bit MSVC 2017, and during installation select msvc2017-64bit, QtWebEngine and QtScript.

3) Clone this janus repo

4) Open the project in Qt Creator by pointing it towards $CONTAINING_DIR\janus\Firebox.pro

(At this point, the project should build successfully.)

5) Copy the assets and dependencies/windows/* to your build folder, (as specified in Qt Creator project settings), where the generated janusvr.exe is located.

  1. For debugging on Windows when compiling with MSVC 2017, you will need to install additional Debugging Tools for Windows, which are packaged with the Windows Driver Kit:


Building for Linux (Ubuntu 18.04 LTS)

=== Automated script ===

1) Clone the repository using Git:

2) Change directory into source directory and fetch submodules needed:

3) Run the automated build script:

4) Once completed, your new JanusVR build can be found inside dist/linux/ in the root of your source repo. To run Janus, just type dist/linux/janusvr -render 2d

=== Via command line ===

For now, to compile manually please read the instructions found in the automated build script that is located in the root of the source repository (build-janusvr-linux.sh).

(Optional, for reference) You may need to install a collection of packages for Qt5 development, assimp, bullet3, etc:

Then, compile Janus with:

=== Via Qt Creator ===

1) Load up Firebox.pro and configure build profiles (debug, release, etc.)

2) Build

Common issues and fixes