janvi01 / sql-editor

A web-based application that provides a SQL editor to run queries and display results.
MIT License
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SQL Online Editor

sql-editor contributors


"Craft SQL queries effortlessly in our intuitive online editor."

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**SQL Online Editor** aims to provide users with a seamless and user-friendly platform for executing SQL queries, displaying query results in a table, maintaining a query history log, and supporting the export of results in CSV formats. The application will also provide a list of themes to change the editor UI and available tables in the sidebar for easy reference. ### Live : [https://sql-editor-online.vercel.app/](https://sql-editor-online.vercel.app/) ### Project Overview ![Project Overview](./src/assets/screenshots/overview.png) ## Key Features 📌 - **SQL Query Execution**: The application will allow users to input custom SQL queries and execute them against the connected database. - **Result Tabular Display**: The application will present query results in a tabular format with a smooth scroll. This ensures that large datasets are easily navigable, enhancing the user experience. - **Query History**: The application will maintain a history log of all executed queries. Users can revisit previous queries, and re-run them as needed. - **Export Data**: Users will have the option to download query results in CSV format. - **List of Available Tables**: The application's sidebar will display a list of available tables in the connected database. - **Change Editor Theme and Size**: The user can change the theme of the Editor by selecting the option from the dropdown and expanding or shrinking the editor size. ## Techstack used 🛠️ The following technologies and libraries are used for the development of this project. - [React](https://react.dev/) - [React Ace](https://github.com/securingsincity/react-ace) - [Chakra UI](https://chakra-ui.com/) - [React Icons](https://react-icons.github.io/react-icons/) - [React-json-to-csv](https://github.com/coston/react-json-to-csv) - [Prettier](https://prettier.io/) ## Demo Screenshots ![Query History](./src/assets/screenshots/editor1.png) ![Available tables](./src/assets/screenshots/editor2.png) ![Changed Theme](./src/assets/screenshots/editor3.png) ## Performance (Performance using [PageSpeed Insights](https://pagespeed.web.dev/)) ![Pagespeed](./src/assets/screenshots/Performance1.png) (Performance using Chrome Devtools LightHouse) ![Chrome Lighthouse](./src/assets/screenshots/Performance2.png) ### Optimisation - Lazy loaded output display. - No error logs to the console. - Used Vercel for hosting. ## Community and Contributions We warmly welcome all contributors! The Project is meant to build a community and it welcomes open collaboration. As you get started, please review this project's [contributing guidelines](https://github.com/janvi01/sql-editor/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md). Whether you are a user or code contributor and whether you're opening an [issue](https://github.com/janvi01/sql-editor/issues) or a [pull request](https://github.com/janvi01/sql-editor/pulls), know that any form of your engagement is considered a contribution and is appreciated. Contributors are expected to adhere to the **Code of Conduct**. ### Thanks to these wonderful Contributors 🌻 ![Contributors](https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=janvi01/sql-editor&lastUpdate=37676)