janvolck / gradle-plantuml-plugin

A gradle plugin that generates UML diagrams based on the PlantUML syntax
Apache License 2.0
23 stars 1 forks source link


Generates UML diagrams using the PlantUML syntax.

At this point in time the diagrams must be defined in a comment block of a java file defined like : http://plantuml.sourceforge.net/javadoc.html

Running 'gradle javadoc' will then go through the java files and generate the UML diagrams ready for import.

When running the plantuml plugin, the plugin will add the following options to the javadoc task

javadoc {
    options.addStringOption('sourcepath', project.plantuml.sourcePath)
    options.docFilesSubDirs = true

This is necessary because by default the javadoc process does not process the doc-files folders.

How To

To use this plugin add a buildscript dependency of the gradle-plantuml-plugin to your build.grade script e.g.:

buildscript {
      dependencies {
          classpath 'be.jlr-home.gradle:plantumlPlugin:0.1.+'

Once the buildscript is added, apply the plantuml plugin: e.g.: apply plugin: 'plantuml'

run gradle javadoc to generate the javadoc


    plantuml {
       sourcePath = 'A/src/main/java' +
               ':B/src/main/java' +

Simple Example

buildscript {
    dependencies {
        classpath 'be.jlr-home.gradle:plantumlPlugin:0.1.+'

apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'plantuml'
apply plugin: 'groovy'
apply plugin: 'maven'

sourceCompatibility = 1.6
targetCompatibility = 1.6

version = '0.0.1-SNAPSHOT'
group = 'be.jlr-home.gradle'
description = 'Gradle PlantUML example'

dependencies {
