japaric-archived / euler_criterion.rs

Benchmark Project Euler solutions written in several programming languages using Criterion
Apache License 2.0
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This is testing ground for the "external benchmarking" feature of criterion.rs.

Here I benchmark solutions to Project Euler problems written in several programming languages and (for now) crudely compare them in a single plot.


Plot + source files: See directories under the problems directory

Raw data (estimates of the mean/median/etc, all missing units are nanoseconds): See the raw directory (This is just a fraction of the data that criterion generates)

The CPU used for the benchmark: See The cpu file

Details (which compiler/interpreter/flags) about the benchmarked languages: See the languages directory

Version of each compiler/interpreter: See the versions directory or run head versions/*

How do I repeat these benchmarks?

make && make bench

Will run ALL the benchmarks, and generate lots of data and plots under the .criterion folder

N.B. You'll need to source the answer files (*.ans) to every problem directory. This answer file must contain the correct answer to the Project Euler problem. Since you have the solutions at hand, you can generate the answers like this:

python problems/001/001.py -a > problems/001.ans


euler_criterion.rs is dual licensed under the Apache 2.0 license and the MIT license.

See LICENSE-APACHE and LICENSE-MIT for more details.