japheth-waswa / laravel-church-webApp

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Fully functional church web application

This project is meant to distribute functional web application to churches for free.It has most of church functionalities and can be downloaded and used freely

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


What things you need to install the software and how to install them

Laravel 5.4
mysql database


A step by step series of examples that tell you how you have to get a development env running

Step 1(Clone repository)

Download or clone this repository into your local machine and extract the files if compressed into a local server ie wamp,xamp etc to a folder named "church"

Step 2(create database)

Log into your local mysql and create database with the name "church"

Step 3(create database tables)

3.1 run php artisan migrate command to generate database tables.


3.2 import the "church.sql" file located in the root of this project

Step 4(test installation)

Go to http://localhost/church/public/ If it works then installation was successful

Step 5(application name)(optional)

Open .env file in the root of this project and change application name to your preference ie "church-of-christ".

Step 6(login and update)

Go to http://localhost/church/public/login and use email: admin@gmail.com and password: admin123

Congragulations installation has been sucessful!


For demo
