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second-post https://jappie.me/second-post.html #4

Open utterances-bot opened 1 year ago

utterances-bot commented 1 year ago

Second post / Jappie


jappeace commented 1 year ago
/ An engineer, a physicist and a     \
| mathematician find themselves in   |
| an anecdote, indeed an anecdote    |
| quite similar to many that you     |
| have no doubt already heard. After |
| some observations and rough        |
| calculations the engineer realizes |
| the situation and starts laughing. |
| A few minutes later the physicist  |
| understands too and chuckles to    |
| himself happily as he now has      |
| enough experimental evidence to    |
| publish a paper. This leaves the   |
| mathematician somewhat perplexed,  |
| as he had observed right away that |
| he was the subject of an anecdote, |
| and deduced quite rapidly the      |
| presence of humour from similar    |
| anecdotes, but considers this      |
| anecdote to be too trivial a       |
| corollary to be significant, let   |
\ alone funny.                       /
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