jappeace / jappeaceApplication

a website
GNU General Public License v3.0
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+TITLE: Source of https://jappieklooster.nl

TODO add badge

** TODO Use hakyl instead of pelican I'd prefer having everything in haskell because python module system is just too magical.

I'll postpone this untill I actually need something. TODO Find reddit auto poster substitue in haskell (should be rather trivial) TODO Port over layout

** Org export *** TODO Fix citations

*** Body based wrapping http://benhoyt.com/writings/pyast64/

Also looks really clean. Although the word spacing is a weird choice

** NGINX *** tracking

  1. Should move configuration file into the version controll
  2. Publish script should overwrite the config file from version controlled one

*** redericts Make them all temporary, don't want browsers to cache them.

** Search performance *** TODO Setup amp? https://www.ampproject.org/docs/fundamentals/spec#html-tags

It seems actually quit doable. The only issue is mathjx realy. However currently nobody is coming on my website trough search so who cares.

*** TODO Setup structured ??

** Replace straight quotes with curly Probably can just add a filter in pelican or something. Make a plugin that fixes it for everyone?


** Nixx build fails Make sure the submodules are cloned properly:

jappie branch

** Org fails Probably because of that orgmode bug where they say it isn't allowed to do compilation. (the id then doesn't get generated which makes it fail entrily). Test by trying to just =C-c C-c= some random org source block. Try recompiling elpa =m x recompile-elpa= and see if it loads now.


=rm -rf .emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-20180806= works. **** Test blcok

+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

(+ 4 2)



: 6

*** wrong type arg (stringp, null) If it's only the thesis it's the plant uml blocks. recompile elpa, make sure plantuml is enable (should be).

Also I found a binary search was a good way to confirm that it's the plantuml blocks.

It can also be the case that the org exporter demands an author from the format, The fix is to delete it as done in: https://github.com/jappeace/pelican-plugins/commit/ea470ea2f1e333733418ea15f12bdfccdf1526c4

** Assets not found in template Set the =SASS_PATH= to theme/static/css.

** Web assets doesn't render Mask jinja 2.9 for webassets 0.12, see https://bugs.gentoo.org/641766


So this is powered by [[http://docs.getpelican.com/en/stable/][pelican]]. (and the org-mode plugin, org mode best mode)