jaraco / jaraco.packaging

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Tools for packaging.


This package provides a Sphinx extension that will inject into the config the following values from the project's package metadata (as presented by distutils):

To enable, include 'jaraco.packaging' in the requirements and add 'jaraco.packaging.sphinx' to the list of extensions in a Sphinx config file::


The extension by default builds the project in an isolated environment in order to extract the metadata. For offline builds, set BUILD_ENVIRONMENT=current and ensure the build dependencies are met in the current environment.

Deprecated: To build the documentation offline, provide an already built wheel by setting the environment variable JARACO_PACKAGING_SPHINX_WHEEL to the path of an existing wheel.


A utility for taking output from pipdeptree --json and producing a tree rooted at a given package.


pipdeptree --json | python -m jaraco.packaging.make-tree mypkg


A wrapper around build.util.project_wheel_metadata to enable dowstream packagers to indicate that they need an isolated build. Set the environment variable BUILD_ENVIRONMENT=current to bypass build isolation and use the current isolation for loading metadata from a project.