jared-dykstra / 180-decibels-website

Website for the (now decommissioned) 180Decibels.com
1 stars 0 forks source link

180 Decibels


Get started

Install prerequisites:

To Run:

  1. Clone the repository: git@github.com:180decibels/website.git
  2. Start VSCode, click File->Open Folder, and select the website folder from the cloned git Repo in the previous step
  3. From the shell in VSCode (or any shell, opened to the Website folder)
    1. Install dependencies - yarn
    2. Build a client distribution - yarn run build
    3. Create a local empty database - yarn run db:create
    4. Start the development server & client webpack server - yarn run dev (Opens a browser window automatically)

If you want to see into the locally running database, install sqlLiteBrowser (https://sqlitebrowser.org/) and open website/server/dev.sqlite3 This file is not committed to the git repo, but generated via the steps above


Use VSCode as an editor

Use Chrome as a browser, with the following extensions:

Depending on how you want to run it, use these steps:

Using the Debugger:

To Debug the server: (Set breakpoints in files under src/server in VS Code)

  1. Start the Debug Server debug configuration via VS Code
  2. Run only the client as-per instructions above

To Debug the client: (Set breakpoints in files under src/client in VS Code)

  1. Start Both the client and server in development mode, as per instructions above.
  2. Start the Launch Chrome debug configuration via VS Code, and interact via the chrome instance launched by VS Code


Create-React-App 2.0 based website, using redux, redux-saga, and modular sass. Apollo GraphQL client for API requests


Express based server, with Apollo GraphQL server under /graphql