jared-hughes / DesThree

Desmos bindings for three.js
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3d 3d-engine desmos three threejs


Desmos is a wonderful user-friendly calculator for graphing in two dimensions. However, creating three-dimensional projects can be confusing at first, but more importantly they are slow due to essentially having to recompute meshes and projections on every frame.

Three.js is an excellent rendering library that simplifies much of the process of WebGL and web shaders.

The goal of this project is to unite the two:

This project is unofficial, so it may break at any time due to changes in the Desmos code.


  1. Install the TamperMonkey browser extension
  2. Click on DesThree.user.js in the latest Release, then hit Install.
    • ⚠️ Be sure you trust myself and the source code. Malicious userscripts can make unwanted access to your data (this one does not).
  3. Open https://www.desmos.com/calculator/7kykpkx0ji to test it! You should see 9 blue-ish boxes moving up and down.
  4. Updates should be handled automatically. If you want to manually check for updates, click Check for userscript updates on the Tampermonkey extension icon.

Please report any bugs here on the Github issues tracker or discuss on the Unofficial Desmos Discord in #programming.


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Allow TamperMonkey access to file URLs
  3. npm install
  4. npm run dev
  5. Load dist/DesThree-dev.user.js into TamperMonkey
  6. The script should automatically update (except for metadata changes) because dist/DesThree-dev.user.js loads dist/DesThree.user.js through file URL

Use npm run lint or npm run lint-fix before a commit to adhere to Standard style. You may also want the packages linter-js-standard and atom-standard-formatter for convenience, though npm run lint-fix is more thorough than whatever atom-standard-formatter does.

To test a production build:

  1. Run npm run build-tests and paste dist/DesThree-test.user.js into a new TamperMonkey script
  2. Run npm run build and paste dist/DesThree.user.js into a TamperMonkey script
  3. Make sure that these are the only two active userscripts
  4. Run npm run test, which lints and opens https://www.desmos.com/calculator?testDesThree=0. If this doesn't work, open the URL manually.
  5. Expected behavior is shown in the browser console. Follow the directions and click Pass to move on to each next test.

Periodically, update test definitions based on Chrome's code coverage tool.

To build once for production, use npm run build instead of npm run dev. The built script should be available in dist/DesThree.user.js, which can be pasted directly into TamperMonkey.

Other release details are available in RELEASE.md



DesThree will automatically load in every graph you load with the userscript enabled, and at present, it completely covers the normal 2D graph.

To create a DesThree expression, insert it from the menu in the top-left as you might insert a folder or an image. You can also type @3 at the start of a normal expression to begin a DesThree expression; the icon to the left should switch to the shape of a cube.

If DesThree ever stops showing something or stops being responsive, save and reload the page. If it still doesn't work, it's probably the fault of your expressions.

If you ever can't type something (e.g. PointLight automatically replaces int with an integral), type it in some other tab/program and copy-paste into Desmos.

Example 1: Setting Camera Position

The simplest expression you can write simply sets the position of the camera as (x,y,z)=(1,2,5) (https://www.desmos.com/calculator/i8min5dnfo):

pos = (1,2,5)

Example 2: Showing a Cube

Showing a cube may be more complicated than what you expect. The process goes as follows:

These steps can be done as follows (https://www.desmos.com/calculator/6t1l6vhfiy):

pos = (1,2,5)
cubeGeometry = Box(1,1,1)
material = NormalMaterial()
mesh = Mesh(cubeGeometry, material)

Alternatively, you can place them all in one expression (https://www.desmos.com/calculator/0cjxlfabx5):

Show(Mesh(Box(1,1,1), NormalMaterial()))

Example 3: Moving Box Position

A great part about using Desmos is that we can use sliders and math in the expressions.

To see an example, we will move the box around in 3D. We use the Position function to create a new mesh that corresponds to the mesh translated (https://www.desmos.com/calculator/pygwi1lnpi):

cubeGeometry = Box(1,1,1)
material = NormalMaterial()
mesh = Mesh(cubeGeometry, material)
x_0 = 0
y_0 = 0
z_0 = 0
meshp = Position(mesh, (x_0, y_0, z_0))

Alternatively, we can specify position directly in the Mesh function (https://www.desmos.com/calculator/ir00nvxzxs):

meshp = Mesh(cubeGeometry, material, (x_0, y_0, z_0))

Example 4: Moving Camera Position

To improve our future viewing, we will orbit the camera using equations of spherical coordinates.

This simply involves a few more equations instead of placing the camera at a fixed position (https://www.desmos.com/calculator/3cy48fxofl):

r_c = 5
theta_c = 0
phi_c = 0
pos = (r_c·cos(phi_c)cos(theta_c), r_c·sin(phi_c), r_c·cos(phi_c)sin(theta_c))
cubeGeometry = Box(1,1,1)
material = NormalMaterial()
mesh = Mesh(cubeGeometry, material)
x_0 = 0
y_0 = 0
z_0 = 0
meshp = Position(mesh, (x_0, y_0, z_0))

Example 5: Materials and Lights

Remember how we're using NormalMaterial above? That is the simplest material (and the default if none is given to the Mesh function): there are no arguments, and we don't have to deal with lights. Each face is simply colored based on its normal vector.

Two other materials exist that are always visible regardless of lights:

Other materials exist for shading meshes, and these handle lights:

Each of these take color as their only argument.

Use them as follows:

material = LambertMaterial(RGB(10, 80, 180))
mesh = Mesh(geometry, material)

With these last few materials, you need to add lights if you want to see anything.

Let's add a single point light at (-7, 6, 2) with an intensity (brightness) of 1 (https://www.desmos.com/calculator/oznclpvvns):

Show(Position(PointLight(1), (-7, 6, 2)))

(Alternatively, you can use Show(PointLight(1, RGB(255,255,255), (-7,6,2))), which avoids the Position function).

Looks good right? Yes, but try rotating to the back side (https://www.desmos.com/calculator/imbwxpqh1a). Ugh, that's too dark.

One solution would be to add more point lights so nothing can be dark, but that would get confusing and not look good. Instead, let's add an ambient light, which adds the intensity to every face (https://www.desmos.com/calculator/lsnje9ira5):


Example 6: Lists

Anywhere a number can be accepted, a list of values can be accepted instead.

Let's make a sphere with radius 1 and place it at x-coordinates [-10, -5, 0, 5, 10] (https://www.desmos.com/calculator/j4yf8gqofe):

geometry = Sphere(1)
mesh = Mesh(geometry, material)
meshp = Position(mesh, ([-10,-5,...,10], 0, 0))

Just like in vanilla Desmos, if several lists are passed to a function, a list is produced from applying the function to corresponding terms with the output length being the minimum of the lengths of the input lists (https://www.desmos.com/calculator/ebdz3ges1f):

L_x = [-10,-5,...,10]
mesh = Mesh(geometry, material)
meshp = Position(mesh, L_x, (0.05*L_x^2, 0))

You can even make a list of geometries with different parameters (https://www.desmos.com/calculator/zdy9szxjzy)

L_x = [-12.5,-7.5,...,12.5]
geometry = Sphere(0.02*L_x^2+0.5)
mesh = Mesh(geometry, material)
meshp = Position(mesh, L_x, (0.02*L_x^2, 0))

Go crazy, and have fun!

Function Reference

Functions that return a Geometry from numeric arguments

Icosahedron, Dodecahedron, Octahedron, Tetrahedron

Property Type Default Description
radius number Radius of circumscribing sphere
detail number 0 If detail > 0, the polyhedron becomes more rounded towards a sphere


Property Type Default Description
radius number Radius of circumscribing sphere
widthSegments number 16 Greater = smoother
heightSegments number 12 Greater = smoother


Property Type Default Description
radius number Radius from center of torus to center of tube in cross section
tube number Radius of tube
radialSegments number 16 Greater = smoother
tubularSegments number 12 Greater = smoother
arc number Arc angle


Property Type Default Description
radius number
tube number Radius of tube
radialSegments number 8 Greater = smoother
tubularSegments number 64 Greater = smoother
p number 2 How many times the geometry winds around its axis of rotational symmetry
q number 3 How many times the geometry winds around a circle in the interior of the torus


Property Type Default Description
radius number
height number
radialSegments number 16 Greater = smoother
heightSegments number 1


Property Type Default Description
radiusTop number
radiusBottom number
height number
radialSegments number 16 Greater = smoother
heightSegments number 1


Just a convenience to avoid having to pass the same value for radiusTop and radiusBottom in Frustum.

Property Type Default Description
radius number
height number
radialSegments number 16 Greater = smoother
heightSegments number 1


A filled circle (flat). Lowering the value of the segments argument would make a polygon.

Property Type Default Description
radius number
thetaStart number 0
thetaLength number Disc(1, 0, π) is a semi-circle
segments number 16 Disc(1, 0, 2π, 6) is a hexagon


Also known as an annulus

Property Type Default Description
innerRadius number
outerRadius number
thetaStart number 0
thetaLength number
thetaSegments number 16
phiSegments number 1


A rectangular plane of finite size.

Property Type Default Description
width number
height number
widthSegments number 1
heightSegments number 1

Functions that return a Geometry using a list of points


Connects 2D points into a flat shape, assuming their y coordinate is 0.

Property Type Default Description
points list of Vector2s
divisions number 1 number of subdivisions to take of a spline passing through those points. If divisions = 1, then this a polygon between those points


Connects 2D points into a polygon and extrudes to a specified depth

Property Type Default Description
points list of Vector2
divisions number 1 number of subdivisions to take of a spline passing through those points. If divisions = 1, then this a polygon between those points
depth number 10 distance to extrude


May also be known as "revolve."

Resolves (x,y) points around the y-axis. The x values are automatically absolute-valued.

Property Type Default Description
points list of Vector2s
segments number 12 greater = smoother
phiStart number 0
phiLength number


Creates a geometry directly from a list of faces. Most powerful method for creating a geometry.

Property Type Default Description
faces list of Face3s

Functions that return a Material


Property Type Default Description
color Color white

Always colored as the given color, ignoring lighting.


No arguments. Each face is colored based on its normal vector.


No arguments. Colors each point in gray-scale based on its depth from the camera. This is not very useful for general rendering and usually shows up mostly black unless the object is very close to the camera.


Property Type Default Description
color Color white

This uses Gourand shading, which calculates shading for each vertex and does linear interpolation to find pixel shading. As such, it only tends to look best for low-poly objects like cubes/boxes.


Property Type Default Description
color Color white

This uses Phong shading, which calculates shading on each pixel and additionally includes specular highlights (shiny surfaces). This tends to look better than MeshLambertMaterial for rounded objects like spheres but is slower.


Property Type Default Description
color Color white

Looks like a cartoon drawing.

Functions that return an Object3D


Create an object from a geometry and material.

Property Type Default Description
geometry Geometry
material Material NormalMaterial()
position Vector3 (0,0,0)


Draw a square grid of the given size

Property Type Default Description
size number width, in world units
divisions number 10 greater = more grid lines
center lines color Color white only applies if divisions is even
grid color Color gray


Draw a polar grid of the given size. The two colors alternate.

Property Type Default Description
radius number
radials number 16 number of radial lines to draw
circles number 6 number of circles to draw
divisions number 64
color1 Color white
color2 Color white


Draw an arrow from tail with components given in vector.

Property Type Default Description
tail Vector3
vector Vector3
color Color white
headLengthScale number 0.2 length of the arrow head, as a multiplier of the length of the vector
headWidthScale number 0.4 diameter of the arrow head, as a multiplier of the length of the arrow head


Draws standard x, y, z axes.

Property Type Default Description
size number 1


Property Type Default Description
intensity number 1 Brightness
color Color white
position Vector3 (0,0,0)


Property Type Default Description
intensity number 1 Brightness
color Color white


Like AmbientLight, but the color changes from sky to ground

Property Type Default Description
intensity number 1 Brightness
sky color Color white
ground color Color white
direction Vector3 down = (0, -1, 0) direction vector from sky to ground


Property Type Default Description
intensity number 1 Brightness
color Color white
direction Vector3 down = (0, -1, 0) direction of travel of light rays


Like a PointLight except it emits light only within a cone from its position pointing towards a target. The angle and other settings of the cone can be controlled

Property Type Default Description
position Vector3
target Vector3 (0,0,0)
intensity number 1 Brightness
color Color white
angle number 60° = π/3
penumbra number 0 Takes values from 0 to 1. Percent of attenuation due to the penumbra effect (outer lighter part of the shadow)
distanceLimit number 0 Maximum distance of light (dims linearly). Set to 0 to allow infinite distance
decay number 2 Set to 2 to follow inverse-square low


Property Type Default Description
object Object3D Geometry not accepted
position Vector3 Vector by which to translate the object.

Functions that directly affect the scene


Property Type Default Description
position Vector3 Position of the camera
lookAt Vector3 (0,0,0) Position of the point the camera looks at
fov number 75 field of view (degrees, planned: Change treatment based on radian mode of calculator)
near number 0.1 near clipping plane of camera frustum
far number 1000 far clipping plane of camera frustum


Property Type Default Description
object Object3D


Property Type Default Description
near number
far number
color Color


Property Type Default Description
density number
color Color

Functions that return a Color


Property Type Default Description
r number Red component, 0 to 255
g number Green component, 0 to 255
b number Blue component, 0 to 255



Please note that Desmos points (declared in vanilla Desmos expressions) are not currently supported.

Property Type Default Description
x number
y number


Property Type Default Description
x number
y number
z number


A collection of three vertices, used as an argument for BufferGeometry. Be careful with the order of the three vertices (clockwise or counterclockwise) because that affects computed face normals, which affects lighting

Property Type Default Description
vertex a Vector3
vertex b Vector3
vertex c Vector3