jaredwray / cache-manager

Cache module for Node.JS
MIT License
1.4k stars 152 forks source link
cache lru-cache nodejs redis

Cache Manager

codecov tests license npm npm

This is the cache manager mono repo that has the following packages:

Getting Started

To get started you can visit the cache-manager package and learn how to use it. In addition here are some other documents:

Store Engines

Official and updated to last version

Third party

Getting Started with the Mono Repo

Start by installing pnpm globally:

npm install -g pnpm

Then install the dependencies:

pnpm install

To run the tests:

You will want to first start the services with docker and then run the tests

pnpm -w test:services:start
pnpm test

To build the packages:

pnpm build

Open a Pull Request

You can contribute changes to this repo by opening a pull request:

1) After forking this repository to your Git account, make the proposed changes on your forked branch. 2) Run tests and linting locally.

If you need more information on the steps to create a pull request, you can find a detailed walkthrough in the Github documentation

Post an Issue

To post an issue, navigate to the "Issues" tab in the main repository, and then select "New Issue." Enter a clear title describing the issue, as well as a description containing additional relevant information. Also select the label that best describes your issue type. For a bug report, for example, create an issue with the label "bug." In the description field, Be sure to include replication steps, as well as any relevant error messages.

Please also refer to our Code of Conduct for more information on how to report issues.

Ask a Question

To ask a question, create an issue with the label "question." In the issue description, include the related code and any context that can help us answer your question.
