This project takes a .swc
file downloaded from
and generates:
formatFraming Parametric Curves
The code allows the user to use spline interpolation for regularizing/refining the geometry or the user can produce refinements on the original .swc
file. Below is a figure showing refinments generated using spline interpolation from Python's module scipy
, details on the specific function are found here: scipy.interpolate
The project uses Parallel Transport Frames
to generate the contours used in the mesh generation. Below is a figure showing some meshes with increasing refinements. Wikipedia on parallel tranpsport
Below is a figure showing the 1d geometry centered within the 3d surface mesh geometry (triangular faces hidden).
The project uses Python in particular I provide some version information that is currently used.
I recommend using Jupyter-Notebooks and downloading Promesh4
for view the geometries.
Other than that there is nothing else to install.
Python version: 3.8.10 (default, Mar 13 2023, 10:26:41)
[GCC 9.4.0]
Version info: sys.version_info(major=3, minor=8, micro=10, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
Argparse: 1.1
networkx: 3.1
scipy: 1.10.1
numpy: 1.24.3
maplotlib: 3.7.1
JSON: 2.0.9
This code was developed on a Windows Machine using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) below are the computer specs:
OS Name: Microsoft Windows 11 Home
OS Version: 10.0.22621 N/A Build 22621
OS Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation
OS Configuration: Standalone Workstation
OS Build Type: Multiprocessor Free
System Manufacturer: Alienware
System Model: Alienware m15 R4
System Type: x64-based PC
Processor(s): 1 Processor(s) Installed.
[01]: Intel64 Family 6 Model 165 Stepping 2 GenuineIntel ~2208 Mhz
BIOS Version: Alienware 1.17.0, 3/14/2023
Windows Directory: C:\WINDOWS
System Directory: C:\WINDOWS\system32
Boot Device: \Device\HarddiskVolume1
System Locale: en-us;English (United States)
Input Locale: en-us;English (United States)
Here is WSL information
* Ubuntu Running 2
Welcome to Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.72-microsoft-standard-WSL2 x86_64)
If you are using Windows, then look here for a training module on WSL: Module-WSL
I also use Jupyter Notebooks
when developing the code, I found it easy to work with and maneuver through the codes. In wsl
I called
jupyter-notebook --allow-root --no-browser
and then select one of the links to copy and paste into a browser (Chrome worked for me).
You can also try using VSCODE
I haven't use this, but it should work just as well
When you git clone or download this project you should have the following items:
contains some
cells in .swc
contains some papers in .pdf
format that are good references for proceeding in the projectsrc
is the course code, it only contains two .py
files which are the main codes for the mesh and geometry
is the main driver code which is described in the Usage
is the main driver code which is described in the Usage section.This usage example was done on wsl
, it 'should' work on Linux terminal as well (pending you have all the correct version of python and modules). I will try to include directions for PowerShell and GitBash.
There is a file called
if you execute in the commandline python3
you will receive the following output
usage: [-h] [-n NUMREFINE] [-d STARTDX] [-c NUMCONTPTS] [-p SPHERECONTOURS] [-q SPHEREPOINTS] -i INPUT error: the following arguments are required: -i/--input
If you execute python3 -h
you will get some more help information:
This program will generate .swc refinements, .ugx 1d refinements, and .ugx surface meshes and zip all files into a .vrn file,
usage: python3 -n 6 -c 6 -d 32.0 -p 10 -q 16 -i cells/<cellname>
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Number of Refinements
-d STARTDX, --startdx STARTDX
Largest DeltaX
Number of Contour points
Number of sphere contours
Number of points per sphere contour
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
The input .swc file
The folder cells
contains cells which were downloaded from
Example usage shown below
python3 -n 10 -c 10 -d 64.0 -p 16 -q 16 -i cells/Purkinje-slice-ageP43-6.CNG.swc
This will produce an output folder called <cell_name>.mesh
and it will contain .swc
files and .ugx
files which are numbered accordingly.
It will also produce a .vrn
file to be used in NeuroVisor
The parameter c
affects the type of regular polygon used for the contours, in the figure below the far left mesh uses 32-ngons for contours and the far right uses equilateral triangles (3-gons) for contours.
Mathematical Visualization SS 2013
Tutorial 3: Framed Closed Curves
TD Essentials: Parallel Transport
PFT Torus
C# Spline
folder where I do this:
Here is a lists of tasks that need to be completed and questions that need to be answered
Can now generate meshes for NeuroVisor
in Unity
:white_check_mark:, but the mapping is not right --> TO DO! :warning: :construction:
Generate surface triangulations that are saveed to :white_check_mark:.ugx
format. DONE!
Check orientation of surface triangulations i.e. check normals. DONE! :white_check_mark:
Fixed the "bad element" message in Promesh4, issue was too many indexes for edges/faces. DONE! :white_check_mark:
I have executed the code on the commandline through WSL --> can this be done using Powershell or Gitbash? this would be nice to write up directions :grey_question:
ADD MAPPING TO .UGX FILE --> TODO!:collision: Have to check :warning: :construction:
TURN 1D .SWC TO .UGX (MAKE SURE INDEXING MATCHED .UGX SURFACE MAPPING) --> TODO!:collision: Have to check :warning: :construction:
IMPORTANT: RESOLVE SOMA!! --> I am using a soma sphere see paper
CLOSE THE END OF THE DENDRITES!! :x: (see fig below):white_check_mark:
Fix subset assignment in :white_check_mark:.ugx
right now when you open the .ugx
nothing appears because you have to manually select all and assign the subset DONE!
Add jupyter-notebooks for more exploration of code.DONE!:white_check_mark:
I have placed soma sphere now :white_check_mark:, but the branch points need to be fixed and end of dendrites closed.
Question: I am using Pythons scipy
module to realize the spline interpolation --> this needs to be studied further, what is the math used? a write up of how it is doing this would be nice :grey_question:
~~Remove soma line segment that is present in original .swc
file from
Currently the :white_check_mark:.ugx
geometries only distinguish between two subsets, the neurites and the soma, below is a figure from Promesh4
. I would like to improve the writing to .ugx
to be more elegant and handle a variety of subsets (for the 1d and surface meshes). DONE!
Now can handle subsets