jaryaman / propNews

Making the news proportionate to global priorities
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Systems & Signals group project for proportionally-reported news.


To run the code, the following files must exist in the directory above this repository

see Dropbox/hackathon_qaly/Tweeting_technical_stuff which contains these files. These files are kept in the directory above this repository to avoid accidental commits to GitHub. Also, the tweepy module is required:

$ easy_install tweepy

How to run on your own machine


$ python main.py

For extra options, type

$ python main.py -h

for help.

How to run on an AWS instance

For setting up ssh for the existing AWS instance, see details in /Dropbox/hackathon_qaly/Tweeting_technical_stuff/credentials_and_ec2_access.md


ssh propnews # ssh into the AWS instance
tmux attach # if there are any running sessions

If there is a running session, you will see the output from main.py. Kill the process by hitting ctrl+c (or sometimes ctrl+shift+c) a few times.

If there are no running sessions, then

cd propnews
python main.py

then ctrl+b d to detach the tmux session, and ctrl+d to log out of the EC2 instance.

How to make your own twitter bot

See setup_EC2_instructions.md for details.

Re-scoring the news database

If you change the global priorities file, you may want to re-score the articles without discarding the news database. This can be done with

$ python score_articles.py


$ python score_articles.py -h

for help

It's not working!!


$ mv news.db news.db.temp
$ python main.py

or, for the impatient,

$ mv news.db news.db.temp
$ python main.py -d

which runs in debug mode (calling the NewsAPI only once).