jason-fox / fox.jason.prismjs

An integration of PrismJS into the DITA Open Toolkit engine, enabling static HTML and PDF syntax highlighting.
Apache License 2.0
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code-highlighter dita-ot dita-ot-html-plugin dita-ot-pdf-plugin dita-ot-plugin prismjs syntax-highlighting

Prism-JS for DITA-OT

license DITA-OT 4.2 CI Coverage Status Quality Gate Status

This is a syntax highlighting DITA-OT Plug-in which integrates the flexible Prism-JS highlighting library into the DITA Open Toolkit engine. This enables the generation of documents including code snippets which are automatically colorized according to language syntax. The plug-in extends both static HTML and PDF transtypes.

:arrow_forward: Video from DITA-OT Day 2019

Table of Contents - [Background](#background) - [What is Prism-JS?](#what-is-prism-js) - [Install](#install) - [Installing DITA-OT](#installing-dita-ot) - [Installing the Plug-in](#installing-the-plug-in) - [Usage](#usage) - [Invocation from the command line](#invocation-from-the-command-line) - [Result](#result) - [Customizing the output](#customizing-the-output) - [Extending to other languages](#extending-to-other-languages) - [Altering the static HTML look and feel](#altering-the-static-html-look-and-feel) - [Altering the PDF look and feel](#altering-the-pdf-look-and-feel) - [License](#license)


What is Prism-JS?

Prism is a lightweight, robust, elegant syntax highlighting library. It's a spin-off project from Dabblet.

You can learn more on http://prismjs.com/.

Why another syntax highlighter?: http://lea.verou.me/2012/07/introducing-prism-an-awesome-new-syntax-highlighter/#more-1841


The DITA-OT Prism-JS syntax highlighter has been tested against DITA-OT 3.x. It is recommended that you upgrade to the latest version.

Installing DITA-OT

The DITA-OT Prism-JS syntax highlighter is a plug-in for the DITA Open Toolkit.

curl -LO https://github.com/dita-ot/dita-ot/releases/download/4.2/dita-ot-4.2.zip
unzip -q dita-ot-4.2.zip
rm dita-ot-4.2.zip

Installing the Plug-in

dita install https://github.com/jason-fox/fox.jason.extend.css/archive/master.zip
dita install https://github.com/jason-fox/fox.jason.prismjs/archive/master.zip

Installing Node.js

Due to the deprecation and removal of the Nashorn Engine in JDK11-14 JEP 335 any plug-in using JavaScript within <script> or <scriptdef> ANT tasks will start throwing warnings with Java 11 onwards and above. From Java 15 onwards, these plugins will no longer work. From DITA-OT 4.0 onward this step is mandatory

The DITA-OT Prism-JS syntax highlighter relies heavily the Prism-JS JavaScript library, and therefore has been updated to run using Node.js where present on a user's machine. Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.

To download a copy follow the instructions on the Install Page.

apt-get update -q
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
apt-get install -qy --no-install-recommends nodejs
nodejs -v


To highlight the syntax within codeblocks, add an outputclass attribute to any <codeph> or <codeblock> elements in your *.dita files. Alternatively add an outputclass attribute to the <body> element, and all <codeph> or <codeblock> will inherit from it.

With the default Prism-JS library the following languages can be highlighted


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE topic PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN" "topic.dtd">
<topic id="examples">
  <body  outputclass="language-markup">

  <p>The Prism source, highlighted with Prism:</p>
  <codeblock outputclass="language-javascript">
    <coderef href="https://github.com/jason-fox/fox.jason.prismjs/blob/master/./src/prism.js"/>

  <p>This page’s CSS code, highlighted with Prism:</p>
  <codeblock outputclass="language-css">
    <coderef href="https://github.com/jason-fox/fox.jason.prismjs/blob/master/./src/style.css"/>

  <p>This page’s HTML, highlighted with Prism:</p>
  <codeblock outputclass="language-html">
    <coderef href="https://github.com/jason-fox/fox.jason.prismjs/blob/master/./src/index.html"/>

  <p>This page’s logo (SVG), highlighted with Prism:</p>
  <codeblock outputclass="language-markup">
    <coderef href="https://github.com/jason-fox/fox.jason.prismjs/blob/master/./src/logo.svg"/>

A test document including HTML, CSS and JavaScript code snippets can be found within the plug-in at: PATH_TO_DITA_OT/plugins/fox.jason.prismjs/sample

Line numbering

To display line numbers in codeblocks in HTML and PDF, add the show-line-numbers outputclass to the <codeblock>

<codeblock outputclass="language-javascript show-line-numbers">
  <coderef href="https://github.com/jason-fox/fox.jason.prismjs/blob/master/./src/prism.js"/>

Invocation from the command line

The Plug-in extends the existing PDF and HTML transforms

PATH-TO-DITA-OT/bin/dita -f pdf -i document.ditamap  -o out


PATH-TO-DITA-OT/bin/dita -f html5 -i document.ditamap  -o out


Parameter Reference

Customizing the output

Prism-JS is easily extended to other languages since it purely relies on regular expressions. Additional languages are loaded dynamically during processing. A large number of additional languages are supported - just look at the list on https://github.com/PrismJS/prism/tree/master/components

Altering the CSS theme colors

Three included prism themes are included. Each theme supports the prefers-color-scheme css media query and uses CSS variables to offer separate "light" and"dark" modes.

A custom theme can be also be altered by setting the prism.css.theme parameter, a separate

Altering the static HTML look and feel

For more extensive modifications, extend with an additional plug-in which overrides, the default prismjs.css.file property and amend a copy of the css/style.css file to alter the look-and-feel of the rendered HTML

plugin.xml Configuration
<plugin id="com.example.prismjs-theme">
  <feature extension="ant.import" file="theme.xml"/>
  <require plugin="fox.jason.extend.css"/>
  <require plugin="fox.jason.prismjs"/>
  <feature extension="extend.css.process.pre" value="prismjs.override.css"/>
ANT Build file: theme.xml
<project name="com.example.prismjs-theme">
  <target name="prismjs.override.css">
    <property name="prismjs.css.file" value="${dita.plugin.com.example.prismjs-theme.dir}/resource/style.css"/>

A working example can be found in the Dark Theme CSS DITA-OT plug-in

Altering the PDF look and feel

The cfg/fo/attrs/prismjs-attr.xsl provides the colors for the PDF output. The names of the attributes match the CSS file, copy and amend the prismjs-attr.xsl file in your own plug-in.

plugin.xml Configuration
<plugin id="com.example.prismjs-theme">
  <require plugin="fox.jason.prismjs"/>
  <feature extension="dita.xsl.xslfo" value="xsl/xslfo.xsl" type="file"/>
xsl/xslfo.xsl XSL Stylesheet

Override the <xsl:template match="*[contains(@class,' topic/ph ') and contains(@outputclass, 'token')]"> template as shown:

<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"

    <xsl:param name="PRISM-THEME" select="'com.example.prismjs-theme'"/>

    <xsl:include href="https://github.com/jason-fox/fox.jason.prismjs/blob/master/./cfg/fo/attrs/prismjs-attr.xsl"/>

    <xsl:template match="*[contains(@class,' topic/ph ') and contains(@outputclass, 'token')]">
      <fo:inline xsl:use-attribute-sets="__codeph__language__">
        <xsl:call-template name="commonattributes"/>
        <xsl:call-template name="processPrismAttrSetReflection">
          <xsl:with-param name="attrSet"
            select="replace(@outputclass,'token ','__token__')"/>
          <xsl:with-param name="path" select="concat('../../', concat($PRISM-THEME, '/cfg/fo/attrs/prismjs-attr.xsl'))"/>

A working example can be found in the Dark Theme CSS DITA-OT plug-in


Apache 2.0 © 2018 - 2024 Jason Fox

The Program includes the following additional software components which were obtained under license: