jasonknight / salor-retail

Rails Based Point of Sale and Store Management Software
82 stars 63 forks source link

Salor Retail

Salor Retail is an extremely innovative Point of Sale system. It has been conceived to provide you with all the features that standard, currently available, POS systems have, but with the possibility of extending and expanding features as your business and technology grows.

Salor Retail is a Ruby-on-Rails based Point of Sale system that is intended for standalone or web deployment. It can be deployed like any standard Rails application, and will work in all modern browsers.

To facilitate desktop deployment, all the components for Salor Retail are packaged as Debian .deb packages and can easily be installed on any Debian based distribution.

Main features


Salor's Feature set is above and beyond practically every other Point of Sale system out there. Salor Retail is intrinsically networked, it is meant to be installed as a server and be accessed by clients. The location of the central server is arbitrary, it can be next to the screen, in the building, or in another country.

I18n Support

The user interface of Salor Retail has already been translated into French, Spanish, German, Greek, Russian, Chinese, Finnish and Polish.

Development Installation

You will need to have the correct ruby system installed. We suggest using RVM for this see: rvm.io

In this case we are working with a Debian based distro, for rpm based distros, you're on your own as we don't use or test on them. Sorry. (It shouldn't be so hard tho...you'll probably know the equivalent commands)

Install Ruby 1.9.2

rvm install 2.2
rvm use 1.9.2 --default

If you are installing another version of ruby, you may run into a problem with bundler not having the ruby source code. You will need to:

rvm fetch 1.9.x
rvm reinstall 1.9.x --disable-binary

Then install libmagickwand-dev

apt-get install libmagickwand-dev libxslt-dev libmysqlclient-dev barcode imagemagick libmagickwand-dev

Now you should be able to continue with the main development setup!

Clone the repository

cd salor-retail/salor-retail
bundle install

Copy config/database.yml.default to config/database.yml and specify database name and database user.

rake db:create
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed
rails s

Then browse to http://localhost:3000. The default password is 000.



Log in with the password for the English user interface: 000