jasonlewis / laravel-recaptcha

A reCATPCHA bundle for the Laravel framework.
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reCAPTCHA for the Laravel framework

This is a bundle of the reCAPTCHA library now developed by Google. This bundle will allow you to validate captchas using the reCAPTCHA API. Please note that this is for the server-side validation only!

Please see the reCAPTCHA Introduction on the Google Developers website for help with getting the client-side configured as well as any customization you may wish to do.


Install reCAPTCHA via Artisan:

php artisan bundle:install recaptcha

Add the following to your application/bundles.php file:

'recaptcha' => array('auto' => true);

reCATPCHA registers a validation rule (validate_recaptcha) to your custom validators in its start.php file.


This bundle is designed to be used with Laravels validator but it can just as easily be used as a standalone class.
Here is an example validation method:

$rules = array(
    'recaptcha_response_field' => 'recaptcha:RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY'

$validator = Validator::make($input, $rules);

    // reCAPTCHA was entered correctly

Remember you'll need to get your public and private keys by signing up above.

If you'd prefer to check a captcha without using the Validator you can simply try the following:

$recaptcha = Recaptcha\Recaptcha::recaptcha_check_answer('RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY', Laravel\Request::ip(), Laravel\Input::get('recaptcha_challenge_field'), Laravel\Input::get('recaptcha_response_field'));

    // reCAPTCHA was entered correctly

Further Information

This bundle just uses the PHP class from the reCAPTCHA library. If you have any further questions try looking through the reCAPTCHA documentation on the Google Developers website.