jasonseu / SALGL

An official codebase of Scene-Aware Label Graph Learning for Multi-Label Image Classification, ICCV 2023.
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Scene-Aware Label Graph Learning for Multi-Label Image Classification


This is an official PyTorch implementation of Scene-Aware Label Graph Learning for Multi-Label Image Classification, ICCV 2023. [paper]

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Data Preparation

  1. Download dataset and organize them as follow:
    |---- MSCOCO
    |-------- annotations
    |-------- train2014
    |-------- val2014
    |---- NUS-WIDE
    |-------- Flickr
    |-------- Groundtruth
    |-------- ImageList
    |-------- NUS_WID_Tags
    |-------- Concepts81.txt
    |---- VOC2007
    |-------- Annotations
    |-------- ImageSets
    |-------- JPEGImages
    |-------- SegmentationClass
    |-------- SegmentationObject
  2. Preprocess using following commands:
    python scripts/mscoco.py
    python scripts/nuswide.py
    python scripts/voc2007.py
    python embedding.py --data [mscoco, nuswide, voc2007]


torch >= 1.9.0
torchvision >= 0.10.0


Pre-trained weights can be found in google drive. Download and put them in the experiments folder, then one can use following commands to reproduce results reported in paper.

python evaluate.py --exp-dir experiments/salgl_resnet101_mscoco/exp3     # Microsoft COCO (448 x 448)
python evaluate.py --exp-dir experiments/salgl_resnet101_mscoco/exp6     # Microsoft COCO (576 x 576)
python evaluate.py --exp-dir experiments/salgl_resnet101_nuswide/exp2    # NUS-WIDE
python evaluate.py --exp-dir experiments/salgl_vit_large_patch16_224_mscoco/exp1     # Pascal VOC 2007


To visualize the word cloud and the label co-occurrence probability heatmap of different scene categories, please first download coco experiments (salgl_resnet101_mscoco) and then run following commands:

python labelcloud.py --exp-dir experiments/salgl_resnet101_mscoco/exp3
python heatmap.py --exp-dir experiments/salgl_resnet101_mscoco/exp3


  title={Scene-aware label graph learning for multi-label image classification},
  author={Zhu, Xuelin and Liu, Jian and Liu, Weijia and Ge, Jiawei and Liu, Bo and Cao, Jiuxin},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision},