jasonsims / aws-cloudfront-sign

Utility module for AWS CloudFront
MIT License
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AWS CloudFront URL Signature Utility

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The AWS SDK for JavaScript has added support for generating signed URLs and Cookies. Please see Class: AWS.CloudFront.Signer

Generating signed URLs for CloudFront links is a little more tricky than for S3. It's because signature generation for S3 URLs is handled a bit differently than CloudFront URLs and this functionality is not currently supported by the aws-sdk library for JavaScript. In case you also need to do this, I've created this simple utility to make things easier.



Configuring CloudFront

  1. Create a CloudFront distribution
  2. Configure your origin with the following settings:

    Origin Domain Name: {your-s3-bucket} Restrict Bucket Access: Yes Grant Read Permissions on Bucket: Yes, Update Bucket Policy

  3. Create CloudFront Key Pair. more info


npm install aws-cloudfront-sign


import { SignatureOptions } from 'aws-cloudfront-sign/types'

Upgrading from 2.x to 3.x

Upgrading from 1.x to 2.x


getSignedUrl(url, options)

getSignedCookies(url, options)

getSignedRTMPUrl(domainName, s3key, options)

⛔️ Deprecated: RTMP Support Discontinuing on December 31, 2020



Creating a signed URL

By default the URL will expire after half an hour.

// ESM: import { getSignedUrl } from 'aws-cloudfront-sign'
const cf = require('aws-cloudfront-sign')
const options = {keypairId: 'APKAJM2FEVTI7BNPCY4A', privateKeyPath: '/foo/bar'}
const signedUrl = cf.getSignedUrl('http://xxxxxxx.cloudfront.net/path/to/s3/object', options);
console.log('Signed URL: ' + signedUrl);

Creating signed cookies

// ESM: import { getSignedCookies } from 'aws-cloudfront-sign'
const cf = require('aws-cloudfront-sign')
const options = {keypairId: 'APKAJM2FEVTI7BNPCY4A', privateKeyPath: '/foo/bar'}
const signedCookies = cf.getSignedCookies('http://xxxxxxx.cloudfront.net/*', options);

// You can now set cookies in your response header. For example:
for(var cookieId in signedCookies) {
 res.cookie(cookieId, signedCookies[cookieId]);