jasontwong / fetchapp

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This is a library for the FetchApp version 2 API


This API is essentially a URI builder. You can use one of the "top level" endpoints (orders, account, downloads, products, new_token) as a function call. Every parameter passed to the function will append to the endpoint unless it is an Array or a SimpleXMLElement, which would then be passed to the API as POST data. The examples below will use the "orders" endpoint as it has all the possible combinations needed for the FetchApp API.

Require the library for use and instantiate:

require 'FetchApp.php';
$fetch_app = new FetchApp( 'https://demo.fetchapp.com', 'demokey', 'demotoken' );

Create an Order

This passes a SimpleXMLElement object as the last parameter so it knows to stop the URL building.

$new_order = simplexml_load_file( 'order_create.xml' );
$order_create_response = $fetch_app->orders( 'create', $new_order );

Modify an Order

$update_order = simplexml_load_file( 'order_update.xml' );
$order_update_response = $fetch_app->orders( '1', 'update', $update_order);
$order_delete_response = $fetch_app->orders( '1', 'delete' );
$order_expire_response = $fetch_app->orders( '1', 'expire' );

Send an email of an Order

This is how you can pass query params to an API call.

$params = array(
    'expiration_date' => '2011-03-07T15:08:02+00:00',
    'download_limit' => '10',
$order_send_response = $fetch_app->orders( '1', 'send_email', $params );

Get information about an Order(s)

$orders = $fetch_app->orders();
$single_order = $fetch_app->orders( 'M0001', 'stats' );

Get information of Order Items in an Order

This shows how you can add or change paramters easily to get different results

$order_items = $fetch_app->orders( 'M0001', 'order_items' );
$single_order_item = $fetch_app->orders( 'M0001', 'order_items', '1056064' );
$downloads_of_single_order_item = $fetch_app->orders( 'M0001', 'order_items', '1056064', 'downloads' );
$files_of_single_order_item = $fetch_app->orders( 'M0001', 'order_items', '1056064', 'files' );

Things to note