jasonvan / prexel

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Prexel - Sublime Text plugin


Step 1 - Download Sublime Text 3 (Optional)

First, a copy of Sublime Text 3 should be installed. It can be downloaded at:


Step 2 - Find the Sublime Text 3rd-party packages folder

After downloading and installing Sublime Text, in your file system (e.g., Windows Explorer or Finder), navigate to the "Packages" folder for Sublime Text. This is where Sublime Text installs all third-party plugins. The "Packages" directory location for various operating systems can be found below.


%APPDATA%\Sublime Text 3\Packages


~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages



NOTE: Make sure you aren't inside any of the default "Packages" directories for Sublime Text 3, which are listed below. These locations are for default Sublime Text plugins and settings.


c:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3\Packages or
c:\Program Files(x86)\Sublime Text 3\Packages


/Applications/Sublime Text.app/Contents/MacOS/Packages



Step 3 - Clone or download the PREXEL plugin files

Once inside of the packages directory, run the following command to check out the plugin to the current directory.

git clone https://github.com/jasonvan/prexel.git

Optionally, you can also download the project directly here.


Once the project has been checked out/downloaded and placed directly inside of the Sublime Text “Packages” folder, Sublime Text will automatically load the plugin.


General Usage - Generating Pretty-Printed UML diagrams

Place the cursor in a line with a PREXEL string (SEE next section for examples) and press CTRL+SHIFT+G (Windows/Linux) or COMMAND+SHIFT+G (MAC) to expand to a pretty-printed version.

General Usage - Reverting Pretty-Printed UML diagrams

Revert by selection

Pretty-printed diagram can be reverted back to their original PREXEL string by selecting the generated pretty-printed diagram and pressing CTRL+SHIFT+U (Windows/Linux) or COMMAND+SHIFT+U (MAC) to revert the diagram. NOTE if the pretty-printed diagram has been modified for the original version you won't be able to revert without changing it back to the original.

Revert by key-command

If a pretty-printed diagram was just generated and it needs to be reverted, press CTRL+OPTION+SHIFT+U (Windows/Linux) or COMMAND+OPTION+SHIFT+U to revert it.

Generating Source Code

When expanding PREXEL, you have the option of generating UML, source code, or both for the diagram. A option box will appear next to the highlighted PREXEL string.


Entry examples

Below are some examples of entry for PREXEL. PREXEL can be entered as either single-line or multi-line strings. For multi-line strings, select the entire block of text to expand

Example 1 - Basic Class

Easy-entry single-line:

|Kitchen arrange_kitchen() place_floor_cabinet() place_wall_cabinet()

Easy-entry multi-line:


Pretty-printed UML generated:

|       Kitchen       |
|arrange_kitchen()    |
|place_wall_cabinet() |

Source code generated:

class Kitchen:
    def arrange_kitchen(self):

    def place_floor_cabinet(self):

    def place_wall_cabinet(self):

Example 2 - Multiple Classes with Inheritance

Easy-entry single-line (in this syntax Person is the parent):

|Person name age >> Employee company

Easy-entry multi-line:

|Person name age >> Employee

Pretty-printed UML:

|name  |
|age   |
|company |

Source code generated (each class in its own file):

class Person:
    def __init__(self, name, age):
        self.name = name
        self.age = age

class Employee(Person):
    def __init__(self, company):
        self.company = company

Example 3 - Aggregation

Easy-entry single-line:

|Airplane color weight <>-wings-> Wing

Easy-entry multi-line:

|Airplane <>-wings-> Wing

Pretty-printed UML:

 ________              ____ 
|--------|            |____|
|color   |                  
|weight  |                  
|wings   |                  

Source code generated (each class in its own file):

class Airplane:
    def __init__(self, color, weight, wings):
        self.color = color
        self.weight = weight
        self.wings = wings

class Wing:

Example 4 - Multiplicity

Easy-entry single-line:

|Employer name age <>1-employees--*> Employee position

Easy-entry multi-line (in multi-line, Employee can't have fields)

|Employer <>1-employees--*> Employee

Pretty-printed UML from single-line entry:

 _________                    ________ 
|Employer |<>1-employees---*>|Employee|
|---------|                  |--------|
|name     |                  |position|
|age      |                  |________|

Pretty-printed UML from multi-line entry (NOTE: no fields on Employee):

 _________                    ________ 
|Employer |<>1-employees---*>|Employee|
|---------|                  |________|
|name     |
|age      |                            

Source code generated (each class in its own file):

class Employer:
    def __init__(self, name, age, employees):
        self.name = name
        self.age = age
        self.employees = employees

class Employee:
    def __init__(self, position):
        self.position = position

Example 5 - Aggregation and Inheritance

Easy-entry single-line:

|Room >> Kitchen color square_feet show_kitchen() <>*-cupboards--1> Cupboard open()

Easy-entry multi-line (in multi-line, Cupboard can't have fields)

|Room >> Kitchen <>*-cupboards--1> Cupboard

Pretty-printed UML from single-line entry:

|______________                    ________ 
|   Kitchen    |<>*-cupboards---1>|Cupboard|
|--------------|                  |--------|
|color         |                  |open()  |
|square_feet   |                  |________|
|cupboards     |                            

Pretty-printed UML from multi-line entry (NOTE: no fields on Cupboard):

|______________                    ________ 
|   Kitchen    |<>*-cupboards---1>|Cupboard|
|--------------|                  |________|
|color         |                            
|square_feet   |                            
|cupboards     |                            

Source code generated (each class in its own file):

class Room:

class Kitchen(Room):
    def __init__(self, color, square_feet, cupboards):
        self.color = color
        self.square_feet = square_feet
        self.cupboards = cupboards

    def show_kitchen(self):

class Cupboard:
    def open(self):


Currently there is a test suite available to test the code. This can be found at:


Running the test can be done from the command line, with the following command:

python3 -m unittest prexel/tests/test_pretty_print_encoder.py
python3 -m unittest prexel/tests/test_source_code_encoder.py 
python3 -m unittest prexel/tests/test_lexer.py
python3 -m unittest prexel/tests/test_interpreter.py
python3 -m unittest prexel/tests/test_regex.py